
发布 2023-03-09 00:51:28 阅读 8404

人教版七年级英语下册units 1-12短语、知识点讲解。

unit 1 can you play the guitar?

1. play chess 下国际象棋 play cards 打牌

play soccer /basketball

join the english club 英语俱乐部。

join the swimming club join us / me

to/with sb. 跟…交谈(交流)

the violin 拉小提琴。

play the piano 弹钢琴 play the drums 敲鼓

play the guitar 弹吉他。

5. make friends (with sb.) 结交朋友。

6. do (chinese)kung fu 会(中国)功夫。

7. tell stories =tell a story 讲故事。

tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不要)做某事

play games with people 做游戏。

8. on/at the weekends (在)周末。

用法集萃。1. play +棋类/球类下……棋,打……球。

play the +乐器弹/拉……乐器。

2. be good at doing sth.= do well in doing sth.


3. be good with sb. 善于与某人相处。

4. need sb. to do sth. 需要某人做某事。

5. can + 动词原形能/会做某事。

6. a little + 不可数名词一点儿……

7. join the …club 加入…俱乐部。

8. like to do sth. =love to do sth. 喜欢/喜爱做某事。

like doing sth.喜欢做某事。

9. help sb with sth” 就某事帮助某人 ,相当于动词短语 help sb(to)do sth。


can you draw? yes, i can. /no, i can’t.

what club do you want to join?

i want to join the chess club.

you can join the english club.

sounds good.

i can speak english and i can also play soccer.

please call mrs. miller at 555-37


1、 can you play the guitar? 你会弹吉他吗?



2、 what club do you want to join?你想加入什么俱乐部?

3、 -i want to join the art club.我想加入艺术俱乐部。



can you speak english?-yes, i can. but only a little.


点拨1:本句子是含有情态动词can的一般疑问句,它的肯定回答是yes, i can. .

否定回答是 no, i can,t .

点拨: only a little的意思是“仅仅一点”,表示肯定的意思, little是表示否定的意思,它的意思是“很少、几乎没有”。little和a little的后面修饰不可数名词。

tom can play the guitar but he can’t play it well.

7. can you help kids with swimming?


点拨:动词短语“help sb with sth”的意思是就某事帮助某人 ,相当于动词短。

语help sb(to)do sth.

点拨:may i know your name?= what your name?

但前者是一种更为礼貌的表达,比前者要委婉。“may i …?或者“can i…?


can you do? come and show us!

你能做什么? 快来给我们展示一下。


点拨2:come and show us.是祈使句。



5. we want two good musicians for our rock band. 我们摇滚乐队想要两名**家。

点拨:句子中的单词musician是名词,它的意思是**家 ,它是有名词music后缀-ian变化来的。它是可数名词,它的复数形式是musicians 。

介词for在本句子的意思是“为了”,表示目的、用途 。

6. are you good with kids?你和孩子们相处的好吗?

点拨:good在此处意为“仁慈的,和善的,乐于助人的”, be good with意思是与某人相处的好 。

话题写作。dear sir,

i want to join your organization (组织) to help kids with sports, music and english. my name is mike. i am 15 years old.

i’m a student in no. 1 middle school. i can play the guitar well.

i can sing many songs. i can swim and speak english well, too. i think i can be good with the kids.

i also do well in telling stories.

i hope to get your letter soon.



unit2 what time do you go to school

重点短语:1. what time几点 2. go to school 去上学

3. get up 起床 4. take a shower 洗淋浴。

5. brush tooth 刷牙

6. get to 到达 get home 到家。

get to school 到达学校 7. do homework 做家庭作业。

8. go to work 去上班 9. go home 回家

10. eat/h**e breakfast 吃早餐 11. get dressed 穿上衣服

12. after school 下课后。

13. either...or...要么… …要么… …

either my father and or my mother __watch) tv every day.

to bed **睡觉。

the morning/afternoon/evening在上午/下午/晚。

16. take a walk=h**e a walk=go for a walk 散步

of= a lot of 许多。

18. at a radio station 在广播电视台。

19. at night在晚上 at noon 在中午。

20. be late for(school/ work) 迟到。

21. be good for… 对… …有好处 be bad for… 对… …有坏处。


1.锻炼: 不可数名词

take /get exercise 锻炼

do morning exercises 做早操

do eye exercises 做眼保健操

3. 练习:可数名词

do some exercises 做练习


1. what time与when

what time翻译为“几点”问的是具体的时间,一般回答要具体到小时。

what time do you go to school?

i go to school at half past seven o’clock.


when也是对时间的提问,但与what time的区别是:用when提问,回答既可以是具体的时间,也可以是不具体的时间,如:in the morning,last year,in 1998等范围大的时间。

向对方询问具体时间时,即几点几分,只能用what time,不能用when。询问年份、月份、日期时,只能用when,不能用what time。

2. 英语时间的表达(1)整点时间可表示为“钟点数+o’clock”或直接读钟点数,省去o’clock。如:

it’s ten o’clock a. m. 现在是上午十点整。


it’s eight-thirty. 是八点三十分。注意时间的表达方式:用数词。点与分钟之间用连字如:


顺读法:钟点数+分钟数。 4:

25→four twenty-five,6:58→six fifty-eight,7:→seven o clock说明:



st/过+钟点数。4:23→twenty-three past four,5:

19→nineteen past five.


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