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. 听辨字母、音标、词语(在a、b、c中选出你听到的内容,并将答案序号写在题前括号内)(1×5)

( )1. a. bek b. pcjc. tda

( )2. a. ache b. adklc. jpml

( )3. a. [ib. [uc. [au]

( )4. a. [rib. [tric. [fri: ]

( )5. a. it’s name b. his name c. your name

. 对话理解(每小题听到一段对话和一个问题,在a、b、c中选出正确的答案,并将答案序号写在题前括号内)(1×5)

( )1. a. tenb. twelve c. eight

( )2. a. english books b. chinese books c. i don’t know.

( )3. a. yes,it is b. no,it isn’t c. i don’t know

( )4. a. at school b. at home c. i don’t know

( )5. a. jim and kate b. jack and betty c. sam and kate

. 短文理解(听短文选择正确答案)(1×5)

( )1. jim green is friend.

a. ling feng’s b. tom’s c. li lei’s

( )2. jim is .

a. americanb. english c. chinese

( )3. jim is years old.

a. thirteenb. twelve c. fourteen

( )4. jim is in

a. class one,grade two b. row two c. row four

( )5. is jim’s english teacher.

a. miss yangb. mr. wang c. miss gao

. 听对话,补全单词(听一段对话,填出空白处的单词,并将单词写在题后横线上)

a: hello! how are you?

b: fine, 1 you.

a: are you lily?

b: no. 2 lucy.

a: sorry. you and lily 3 the same. is lily 4 , too.

b: no,she’s not at school 5 .

a: how is she?

b: she’s not fine.


. 单词拼音(选出划线字母的读音与其它两个不同的那一个)(1×10)

( )1. a. cakeb. canc. grade

( )2. a. sheb. nextc. very

( )3. a. picture b. fivec. fine

( )4. a. homeb. boxc. song

( )5. a. thatb. thankc. this

( )6. a. pencil b. classc. cat

( )7. a. rulerb. busc. much

( )8. a. howb. rowc. know

( )9. a. thereb. wherec. here

( )10. a. whob. whatc. where

. 单词分类(找出每题中不属于一类的那一个词)(1×10)

例: a. bikeb. bookc. bus 答案是b

( )1. a. ruler b. pencil c. clock

( )2. a. eraser b. ac. an

( )3. a. ib. yourc. he

( )4. a. four b. number c. five

( )5. a. answerb. askc. that

( )6. a. englishb. teacher c. chinese

( )7. a. whatb. yesc. no

( )8. a. hillb. jeepc. car

( )9. a. appleb. birdc. orange

( )10. a. cupb. classc. grade

. 选择填空(1×10)

( )1are you? i’mthanks.

a. what,right b. how,ok c. how,good

( )2 can you it english? yes,it’s a book.

a. say,inb. spell,to c. sing,in

( )3team is jim in? he’s in two.

a. where,grade b. who,class c. what,team

( )4. look the pictures. ask answer in pairs.

a. in,orb. at,and c. at,not

( )5. what number is bus677803.

a. jim’s,it’s b. jimes,its c. jims’,its’

( )6your mother a teacher? no, not.

a. am,i’mb. are,you’re c. is,she’s

( )7. look!these are ,and are boxes.

a. buses,that b. buses,those c. bus,they

( )8. this isn’t eraser,it’s eraser.

a. my,herb. your, your c. my, my

( )9. i think lilei is number 6that’s

a. no,rightb. yes,wrong c. no,wrong

( )10. is your friend chinese girl or english girl?


2010 2011学年度第一学期期中质量调研试题 卷 七年级思想品德。一 单项选择题 请选出下列各题中最符合题意的一个答案,并将其字母填入对应的空格内,每小题3分,共45分 1 2010年1月20日,2009年度世界十大科技进展新闻揭晓。美国通过撞月发现月球存在水冰 欧洲大型强子对撞机实现首次对撞创...


七年级上学期期中测试题成绩。一 选择题 每题2分,共20分 1 某天的温度上升了c的意义是 a 上升了c.b 没有变化。c 下降了c.d 下降了c.2.下列运算正确的是 a b c d 3.在比较下列各对数的大小中,正确的是 a b c 2 2d 4.我国第一颗探月卫星 嫦娥一号 从环月轨道传回第一...


班级姓名成绩。一 基础知识 10分 1 按拼音写出相应汉字或根据汉字写拼音。3分 面面相 q滑稽随声附和 酝 ni ng菜q黑痣。2 文学常识 4分 背影 的作者是我国现代著名的散文家 本学期我们还学了他的另一篇散文是。最后一课 的作者是 著名作家 论语 是一部书,共20篇,是 的经典著作之一。狼 ...