
发布 2023-03-01 05:25:28 阅读 2990



) 1. —what are __doing?

— they’re listening to a cd.

a. theyb. themc. theird. theirs

) 2. look! they are h**ing __good time playing basketball.

a. ab. thec. and. /

) 3. lily talks on the phone __about three hours every day.

a. onb. inc. ford. at

) 4. bruce __english right now.

a. studyb. studiesc. is studying d. are studying

) 5is going?

— not bad.

a. howb. whenc. whered. why

)6. d**id isn’t tall or short. he___of medium height.

a. areb. isc. amd. be

) 7. jimmy is really __in robots.

a. interesting b. interestc. interested d. interests

) 8. birthday foods in different countries __be different, but the ideas are the same.

a. shouldb. mustc. needd. may

) 9. my friends and i visited the red-star farm yesterday. _it was really fun.

a. andb. butc. because d. so

) 10. when tom looked out of the window, he saw a boy __a tall tree.

a. climbb. climbingc. climbsd. climbed

) 11. —how was your school trip?

a. good luck b. best wishesc. you’re welcome d. it was great

) 12. —would you like a large bowl?

a. no, there isn’t b. yes, there isc. here you are d. yes, please

ii. 完成句子 (共10分,每小题2分)


1. 我认识那个医院。让我告诉你怎样到达那里。

i know that hospitaltell you the way there.

2. 这个公园非常安静而且我喜欢在那里看书。

the park is very quiet and ithere.

3. 昨天我很累,我早早就睡觉了。

yesterday,i wasi went to sleep early.

4. 在我的生日那天,我想吃长寿面。

i would likevery long noodles

5. 在那里,他架起帐篷,生火取暖。

there he put up a tent and



) 1. bob’s father g**e __a guitar as the birthday gift.

a. heb. shec. himd. her

) 2. tina and gina went to play __badminton.

a. ab. thec. and. /

) 3. _sunday morning, i went to the library with my friends.

a. inb. onc. atd. to

) 4. he would like __beef carrot noodles.

a. eatb. eatsc. eatingd. to eat

) 5. what __your father __like?

a. do, lookb. do, looksc. does, look d. does, looks

) 6. there __a lot of people in the park yesterday.

a. wasb. arec. wered. be

) 7. there are many __animals in the zoo. most of them are __cute.

a. kind of, kind ofb. kinds of, kinds of

c. kind of, kinds ofd. kinds of, kind of

) 8was their vacation

it was great.

a. whatb. howc. whend. where

) 9. lucy doesn’t __her beautiful skirt today.

a. put onb. wearc. dressd. has

) 10. birthday foods in different countries may be different, _the ideas are the same.

a. andb. butc. becaused. so

) 11. my brother had a great time __his aunt in canada.

a. visitb. to visitc. visitsd. visiting

) 12. —would you like some orange juice?

i’m very thirsty.

a. no, thanks b. yes, pleasec. yes, i would d. that’s ok

ii. 完成句子 (共10分,每小题2分)


1. 这家酒店在我们学校的对面。

the hotel isour school.

2. 这儿附近有邮局吗?

a post office near here?

3. 北京的天气怎么样?天气很热。

the weather in beijing?

it was really hot.


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