七年级英语下册知识目标 基础知识汇总 外语教研版

发布 2023-02-28 20:56:28 阅读 4318


必记单词】unit 1 crayon, eraser, glove, whose, lose, find,mine,yours ,tape. purple, hers, careful, on

unit 2 camera. phone, le**e, plane, taxi,why .airport,hundred,thousand,strange, boat, duck, pig, sausage

常考短语】unit 1 first of all, be careful with, from now on

unit 2 mobile phone. in a hurry, hundreds of, look for

unit 3 help sb. (to) do sth., try to do sth.

经典句型】unit 1

1. there is/are...

2. here is/are...

3. please be careful with..

unit 2

1. a man is talking to...

2. they are looking for...

unit 3

they can..


短语归纳】1. lost and found box失物招领箱 2. be carefulwith小心一…

3. from now on从现在开始。 a hurry匆匆忙忙。

5. hundreds of几百,成百上千 for寻找。

7. first of all首先 to do sth_尽力做某事。

9. choose from…从……中挑选 10. a lot of许多。

11. at the moment此时此刻 12. such as例如。

13. h**e got有。

用法集萃】1. whose+名词+is this?这是谁的……?

2. help sb. (to) do sth.帮助某人做某事。

3. please be careful with…请小心保管……

4. welcome to+地点欢迎来到……

5. call sb. at+**号码拨……给某人打**。

典句必背】1. first of all, come and look in the lost and found box!


2. people often lose things when they're tr**elling or when they're in a hurry.


3. they le**e things on planes,on trains,on buses and in taxis.


4. hundreds of people come here every day.每天有数百人来这里。

module 2


必记单词】unit 1 play, tennis, piano. ride, club, term, board, well, all .worry, teach,then

unit 2 monitor, start, ready, promise, fast, fit, just, ball,game,team, best,score, tidy, sure, everybody, beautiful.

unit 3 fly, kite, swim

常考短语】unit 1 would like. that's all, worry about

unit 2 get on well with sb. ,ready to do sth_, just like

unit 3 add...to...give sth. to sb.

经典句型】unit 1 1. i think she'd like to do sth.

2. don't worry about…

unit 2 1. i want to be.。。

2. i often help...do sth.

3. what do/does sb. do?


短语归纳】1. table tennis乒乓球 2. get on well with sb与某人相处融洽。

3. play the piano弹钢琴 4. what about.. 怎么样。

5. worry about担心…… 6. new term新学期。

7. be good at擅长 8. fly a kite放风筝。

9. that's all仅此而已 10. just like正如,正像。

11. ready to do sth.乐于做某事。

用法集萃】1. what/how about+动词一ing形式做……怎么样。

2. would like to+do sth. 愿意做某事。

3. promise+to do sth. 承诺做某事。

4. play+球类名词打…球。

5. play+the+乐器名词演奏……乐器。

6. do+v. -ing 做

典句必背】1. i'd like to join the music club because i can play the piano.


2. don't worry about chinese.不要担心汉语。

3. i get on well with everyone,classmates and teachers.


4. i want to be the pe monitor.我想成为体育班长。

5. i often help my mother do cleaningat home…在家我经常帮助妈妈打扫卫生。

module 3


必记单词】unit 1 picnic, housework, on, else, nobody, at , nothing, silly, fantastic

unit 2 forward. fan, shirt. cheer, player, hope,win , myself, during, may,late, something’walk, country, second’collect。

litter, fun, camp,austral-ian sightseeing,beach

unit 3 early

常考短语】unit 1 go over, h**e a picnic, do my homework, see a movie

unit 2 look forward to, make friends, enjoy oneself, may day, take a walk, summer holiday, go sightseeing

经典句型】unit 1 1. i'm going to do...

2. who else is going to...

unit 2 i'm looking forward to...


短语归纳】1. h**e a picnic去野餐 2. check my email 查收我的电子邮件。

3. go over复习 4. on sunday morning 在周日上午。

5. see a movie看电影 the park 在公园里。

7. h**e a piano lesson上一节钢琴课 8. make friends 交朋友。

9. summer holiday暑假 10. go on a summer camp 参加夏令营。

11. take a walk散步’ 12. go for a walk 散步。

用法集萃】1. i'm going to 十动词原形我将要……

2, look forward to+动词一ing形式期待……

3. h**e fun (in) doing…做……很高兴。

4. go+v. -ing 去……

5. enjoy oneself 过得愉快。

6. i hope+that从句我希望……

典句必背】1. i'm going to see a movie in the afternoon.下午我要去看一场电影。

2. what are your plans for the weekend?你周末的计划是什么?

3. i'm looking forward to the football match tomorrow.我正期待着明天的足球比赛。

4. usually i spend the summer holiday at home…我通常在家过暑假……

module 4


必记单词】unit 1 chalk, ruler, carry, change, everything, future. life, need, will,maybe, ask, question, by, level, able, more, free

unit 2 true, bike, cheap, everywhere, into, long, he**y, light,easy, working, hour. short, rise

常考短语】unit 1 in the future, be able to, ask questions, not.. any more

unit 2 come true, not only...but also, as well

unit 3 play with

经典句型】unit 1

20 years' time, maybe there won't be..

3. teachers won't...


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