
发布 2023-02-26 20:35:28 阅读 8660


判断下列每组单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的写“s”,不同的写“d”。(1. finenice()2.

afternoongrade()3. goodbook() wellsheⅲ.按要求改写下列句子,每空一词。

1. i am jack.(改为同义句jack.2. i am fine.(就划线部分提问you?

3. that is my brother.(就划线部分提问that?

4. they are from germany.(就划线部分提问they from?

5. my phone number is 256-9870.(改为一般疑问句phone number 256-9870?


)1yes, it is.

a. what’s thisb. is this an applec.

what this is d. that’s an apple()2. _name is ann.

what’s __name?a. i, youb.

my, yourc. my, youd. i, your()3it’s my sister, amy.

a. what’s your nameb. what’s thisc.

what’s thatd. who’s that()4. amy is __english ab.

anc. thed. /

)5. she is from korea, she is a __

a. koreanb. koreansc. australiand. canadian()6is your father?--he is 40.

a. howb. whatc.

whered. how old()7. what’s this __chinese?

a. tob. inc.

ofd. at()8. -how do you do

a. how are you?b.

fine, thanks. c. how do you do?

d. how old are you?()9is chengdu?

--it’s in sichuan.

a. whatb. howc.

whered. who()10. -what class are youi’m in class inb.

atc. ond. of

)11.可表示“字母表”的英文缩略词是___a. abcb. apcc. cpcd. nba()12. -are you mike?--yes, _

a. i’mb. you arec. i amd. you is()13. where are our __

a. watchb. watchesc. watchsd. watchess

)14. -thanks very much

a. don’t thank meb. all rightc. that’s oh, yes.()15. -are these his books

a. no, they are nob. yes, they arec. yes, they’red. no, it’s notⅴ.情景对话,每空一词。

a: good morning!b: good __1__!

a: what’s__2__ name?b:

my __3__ is mary. _4__ are you?a:

i __5__ fine. _6__ you. and you?

b: i’m fine, _7__.a:

what’s this __8__ english?b: it’s a __9__.

a: _10__ you spell it?b:

yes, i can. r-u-l-e-r.ⅵ.


)1. what’s her name?a. yes, it is.

)2. how do you spell face?b.

fine thank you. and you?()3.

is this your cell phone?c. he is from the usa.

()you mr wang?d. you’re welcome.

()5. how are you?e.

her name is mary.()6. what’s this in english?

f. it’s a book.()7.

see you f-a-c-e.

)8. where is he from?h.

no’ i’m not. i’m mr li.()9.

what grade are they in?i. see you later.

) you very they are in grade two.ⅶ.快乐阅读。a

i am li ling. this is mr green. where is kate?

she is here, too. mr greens(格林一家人) are english. kate green is not a teacher.

mr green and i are english teachers.根据短文内容选择答案。()1.

my name is __

a. kate greenb. mr greenc. li lingd. you can’t know()2. _isn’t an english teacher.

a. kate greenb. mr greenc. li lingd. they are all.()3. li ling is __

a. kate’s friendb. kate’s teacherc. englishd. not english()4. mr green is __

a. kate’s teacherb li ling’s teacherc. englishd. not english()5. -is kate green english

a. yes, it isb. yes, he isc. yes, she isd. no, she isn’tb

i am li long. i am in class three, grade one. i h**e(有) a good friend.

his nameis dale smith. he is from england. he is twelve.

he is in beijing now with hisparents(和他的父母一起). we are in the same class. i am in row (排) four.

and he isin row five. we all like(喜欢) our teachers.()1.

dale is __good hisb. herc. myd.


)2. -is he american

a. yes, he isb. no, he isn’ yes, he isn’td.

no, he is()3. -how old is hea.11b.

12c. 13d. 14

)4. -what grade is dale in?--grade___a. oneb. twoc. threed. four

)5. -what class are they in?--they’re in class___a. oneb. twoc. threed. fourc

my name is zhang li. i am a girl. i’m 13.

i h**e a cousin(有个表弟). he is myuncle’s son(叔叔的儿子). his name is zhang peng.

we are in the same age(同样的年龄). look at the cat under the sofa(看沙发下面的那只猫). it’s his cat, mimi.

he lovesit very much(很喜欢它).

) cousin’ name is __

a. zhang lib zhang pengc zhangd mimi()2. my father and zhang peng’sfather are __a.

brothersb. brotherc. friendsd.


)3. zhang peng is __a. 11b. 12c. 13d. 14()4. his cat is __

a. on the sofab. under the sofa

c. in the sofad. behind the sofa(在沙发的后面)()5. what’s his cat’s name?

a. lilyb. peng pengc. mimid. son

参***。1. under the bed2. in the same school3.在不同的年纪4. be from

england5. cell phone6.看上去像7. right away8.在那边9看上去一模一样10把我的书包拿到这儿来。

1. h**e2. h**e3. her4. picture5. h**e6. the same7. gloves10. know

. 1. mine2. are3. my ,hers4. michael’s5. shopping6. say9. fit10. us

. 1---5 bdcdd6---10 acbbb11---15 cabbc

. 1. look at that boy in the picture.

2. do you know the girl over there?3.

the black bag is mike’s.4. we h**e different looks, but we are she h**e a telephone?

.are, thank, too, h**e, do, one, you

vii. 1---5. c c b c **iii. a:tttffb:baccaix.略。


试题满分100分。共分两部分。答题时间70分钟 第一部分基础部分。单词 20分 1 我2 我的3 你。4 你的,你们的5 它6 他的。7 她的8 什么9 名字。10 时钟11 令人愉快的12 遇见,相逢。13 喂14 嗨15 和,而。16 问题,难题17 回答,答案18 看,望。19 第一的20 最...


乌鲁木齐市第54中学2016 2017学年第一学期。七年级语文第一单元测试。考试时间40分钟满分分值 100分。一 积累与运用 44分 1.下列加点字的读音完全正确的一项是 4分。a.嗡嗡 w ng 朗润 r n 卖弄 n ng 应和 h b.镶嵌 qi n 单单 d n 安适 sh 着落 zh o...


七年级语文第一单元测试一 基础知识与运用 34分 1 根据拼音写汉字 3分 zh 立 n ng视 b ng溅 休q xu n腾 mi o小 g 负 l n 峋伶d ng yu惑 训ji 庸l 2 给加点字注音 3分 啜泣 目眩 挑逗 擎天撼地 忍俊不禁 一瞬间 啜泣 沉淀 3 成语连城 可任选一组 ...