
发布 2023-02-25 23:32:28 阅读 3717



友情提示:请同学们将第i卷1— 75小题做在答题卡上,第76--107小题做在答题卷上。







11. a. yes, they dob. no, i don’tc. yes, it is.

12. a. it’s in mayb. it’s bluec. it’s 20 yuan.

13. a. yes, she isb. no, i’m notc. no, it isn’t.

14. a. i’ll take itb. here you arec. i want a sweater for school.

15. a. let’s play sportsb. i don’t knowc. that sounds interesting.

16. a. h**e a good timeb. you’re welcomec. i am sorry.


17. a. the sweaterb. the sofac. i don’t know.

18. a. redb. blackc. black and white.

19. a. applesb. bananasc. oranges.

20. a. 5 yuanb. 8 yuanc. 13 yuan.

21. a. fourteenb. fifteenc. sixteen

22. a. it’s in aprilb. it’s in mayc. it’s in june.


23. the boy in the picture is

a. my brotherb. my cousinc. my friend

24. what fruit does mike like?

a. hamburgers and ice cream. b. oranges and pears. c. oranges and bananas.

25. how much are the blue trousers?

a. 16 dollarsb. 12 dollarsc. 8 dollars.

26. where is the baseball?

a. under the bedb. on the sofac. on the desk..

智慧抉择 二。 单项选择。从a, b,c,d四个选项中选出最佳答案。(每小题1分,共20分)

31. —is this your book, janethank you!

a. yes, this is b. yes, it is c. no, this isn’t d. no, it isn’t

32. —i can’t find my hat, momis it? —peter, it’s on your head.

a. what b. where c. when d. how

33. hello! my name is zhang liangyingis my last name.

a. zhang b. liang c. yingd. liangying

34. linda __her friend, gina, about her f**orite food.

a. helps b. thinks c. asksd. wants

35your brother __basketball? —yes, he does.

a. is; like b. do; like c. does; likes d. does; like

36. —do you h**e __for dinner? —no. i don’t want to be fat.

a. tomatoes b. salads c. ice-creams d. hamburgers

37. this __is too short. do you h**e a __one?

a. sweater; big b. shoes; long c. t-shirt; long d. trousers; small

38. i like math. it’s difficultreally interesting.

a. butb. andc. ord. so

39. —let’s play __

great! but i don’t h**e a soccer ball.

a. basketball b. the basketball c. the soccer d. soccer

40. —how much are these socks?

2 yuan for one___

a. it’s; pair b. it’s; sock c. they’re; pair d. they’re; socks

41. my cousin, timbananas very much.

a. likes eat b. like eating c. likes eating d. like to eat

42. —your new skirt is very nice!

a. no, thank you. b. thank you very much.

c. that’s right. d. you’re welcome!

43. my uncle is reallyhe doesn’t h**e any time to h**e breakfast.

a. freeb. busy c. interesting d. difficult

44. —how oldyour father? —he’s __old.

a. is; fourty years b. is; forty c. are; forty years d. is; forty years

45. mother’s day is onsunday of may.

a. second b. the second c. a secondd. the a second

46is your birthday?

it’s on march __

a. when; twenty ninthb. when; twenty-ninth

c. what; twentieth-ninth d. when; twenty-nineth

47. we h**e __art __monday morning.

a. a; in b. an; at c, /ond. /in

it’s sunday.

a. what day is it today b. what’s the date today

c. when is todayd. how is today

49. —how’s your day, jenny?

i lost my schoolbag.

a. i’m fine b. it’s ok c. it’s not ok d. no, i don’t

50is your f**orite teacher?

—mr. yang. we all like him.

a. what b. whoc. howd. where

三。 完形填空。从a, b,c,三个选项中选出最佳答案。(每小题1分,共10分)


附属中学2014 2015学年七年级语文上学期期末考试试题。文学和科学是相通的,科学应该开出并d 之花。在学语文中学科学,在学科学中学语文。在这里你可以倾听科学家sh 志探索的心律和足音,品位品味 那石破天惊的创造宣言和奇思妙想,领略到别样的情味和风光。1 给加点字注音。2分 倾听领略 2 根据拼音...


广东省湛江二中2013 2014学年七年级上学期期末考试语文试题新人教版。一 基础题 25分 1 根据课文默写古诗文。10分 1 日月之行,若出其中曹操 观沧海 2 海日生残夜,江春入旧年王湾 次北固山下 3小桥流水人家马致远 天净沙秋思 4 唧唧复唧唧,木兰当户织木兰诗 5 钱塘湖春行 中抒写诗人...


2015 2016学年七年级生物上学期期末考试试题。说明 1本卷共有二大题,13个小题,全卷满分50分。2本卷分为试题卷和答题卷,答案要求写在答题卷上 不得在试题卷上作答 否则不给分。一 选择题 本大题共10小题,每题2分,共20分 1 蕨类植物的植株比苔藓植物高大的主要原因是。a 蕨类植物靠孢子繁...