
发布 2023-02-25 04:23:28 阅读 2553



unit 2 this is my sister.


1. 你的家庭2. 他的父母。

3.她的表妹4. eric的父亲。

5. 在第一张**里6. 在下一张**里。

7. 一张我的家庭照8. 那些朋友们。









)1. _is my brother.

a. she b. his c. he

) are my___

a. parent b. parents c. grandparent

)3. —who’s this girl

a. he is jackb. she is goodc. she is my sister

) my family photo.

a. are b. am c. is

) is my sister.__name is mona.

a. she’s b. his c. her


look at the picture. it’s a picture 1 my aunt’s is mary is my is my mother’s

2 .she’s married(已婚的). 3 husband(丈夫) is john smith.

nick is their 4 and emma is their daughter. nick and emma are brother and my

5 . they call my mother aunt and my father call john smith 6 ,too. it’s a happy family.


a please look at my family photo.there are four people in my family.these are my parents.my father is d**id.he is 37 years old.he is a doctor.my mother is susan.she is 36 years old.she is a teacher.she is in no.6 middle school.that is my brother.his name is jack.he is ten.now this is me.my name is tony.i'm 12 year old.i'm in class one, grade seven.my parents work hard and we study very hard.we are very happy.this is my family.i love my family.

)1. what is the writer(作者)’s name?

a. d**id b. jackc. tony

)2. how many people are there in his family?

a. 3b.4c. 5

)3. who works in the no.6 middle school?

a. d**id b. susan c. jack

)4. how old is the writer’s brother?

a. 10 years old b. 11 years old c. 12 years old

)5. according to the passage, the best title is

a. my parents b. my family c. my class

bi h**e a nice picture. it is a picture of my family. this is my grandfather, barry clark.

and this is my grandmother, linda clark. these are my parents, frank and jane. this is my aunt, alice.

she’s my father’s sister. and this is my uncle, paul. he’s a runner.

these are my cousins joe, mike and sally. they’re alice and paul’s children(孩子). this is my sister, lisa.

do you know that girl? it’s me, mary.


last name is

is alice’s

3. mary’s uncle is___

4. alice and paul h**echildren.

5. lisa is mary’s


1. my , photo, here, a , of, family, is,

2. jim, are, tony’s, and, brothers, tom

3. his,these,are,friends?

4. in,photo,her,the, parents, next , are

5. uncle’s , kate , daughter, is , my



2 .你向别人介绍你的父母,你这样说。


4.你很高兴见到jenny,你这样说jenny !


1. 她的儿子名叫保罗。heris paul.

2. 那两名女孩子是我得妹妹cindy和表妹helen.


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