
发布 2023-02-23 03:15:28 阅读 6960










)6. a. yes,please. b. no, i don’t. c. yes, i do.

)7 a. he likes basketball. b. he's tall with curly hair. c. he is a doctor.

)8. a. thank youb. good ideac. not at all.

)9. a. he is hereb. he is from london. c. he is in china.

)10. a. it’s interesting. b. threec. there are books.


a、 请听五段短对话,选择最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。

)11、what is jill doing?

a、buying a book. b、****** a cake. c、reading a book.

)12、is the girl betty?

a、yes, she is. b、no, she isn’t. c、yes, the girl isn’t.

)13、are lily and nick in the same class?

a、yes, they are. b、no, they aren’t. c、yes, they do.

)14、who is on the left in the photo?

a、nickb、lily’s cousin c、andy

)15、what does joe’s uncle do?



)16、what’s bob’s last name?

a. blackb. greenc. black

)17、is green mary family name?

a. no,shecan`t. b. no,sheisn’tc. yes,sheis.

)18、what colour is mary’s pencil box.

a. yellowb. oldc. white

)19、what is mary’s pencil box?

a..arulerb. apencilc. a ruler and a pencil

)20、what`smary’s telephone number?

a. 324-6789b.234-6789 c. 234-6698



)21、sara likes

a、hamburgers and fruit b、milk and hamburgers c、fruit and milk

)22、manyh**e hamburgers every day.

a、boys and girlsb、boysc、girls

)23、they should (应该every day.

a、eat healthy food b、eat vegetables c、play sports

)24are good for boys and girls.

a、healthy food b、every meal c. healthy food and sports

)25、we eat much chicken and we don't eat vegetables for 's __

a、badb、not badc、very good



一、单项选择:请选择最佳答案。 (每小题1分,共20分)

) 1. alice is___english girl.

a. a b. an c. the d、/

) 2. my parents and i like___music.

a. listen b. listening c. listening to d. to listen

) 3. betty and tony go to the same school, but they are in different __

a. class b. grade c. grades d. group

)4. mr. zhang teaches __chinese. we like __class very much..

a. my, her b. me, his c. our, his d. us, his

)5. -is sally from america?

--no. sally is an __girl, but she’s in __now..

a .america; england b. english; america

c. american; english d. england; america

)6english classes do you h**e every week?


a. how often b. how long c. how much d. how many

--he is a worker..

a. who is your fatherb. where is your father

c. what is your fatherd. how is your father

)8. -is this your bike?

-- noit'sbike.

a. this isn't, li lei's b. this is, li lei's

c. it isn't, li lei's d. it is, li lei's

)9is peter? -he's in the reading room .

a. who b. where c. how d. what

)10. -what’s thirteen and fourteen? can you __me?


2011 2012学年上学期质量监控试卷。七年级数学 时间 40分钟,满分100分 一 选择题 每小题3分,共21分 1 5的绝对值是 a b 5 c d 2 如图是由一些相同的小正方体构成的立体图形的三种视图,那么构成这个立体图形的小正方体有 a 4个 b 5个 c 6个 d 7个。3 如图,表示...


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