
发布 2023-02-23 01:28:28 阅读 3176

unit 8 when is your birthday?





魔法记忆。巧记序数词:一二三特殊记.th要从四加起,八去t.九去e,f来把ve替;整10变化需注意, 把y改为ie再加t;若是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。

第一(first) 第二(second)

第三( third) 第四(fourth)

第五(fifth) 第六(sixth)

第七(seventh) 第八(eighth)

第九(ninth) 第十(tenth)

第十一( eleventh) 第十二(twelfth)

第十三(thirteenth) 第十四(fourteenth)

第十五(fifteenth) 第十六(sixteenth)

第十七 (seventeenth) 第十八(eighteenth

第十九(nineteenth) 第二十(twentieth)

第二十一 (twenty-first)

典例】jake is years old. today is his birthday. (重庆)

a nine; nine b nine; nineth c nineth; nineth d nine; ninth

点拨:第一个空为基数词,表示“几岁”;第二句句意:今天是他的九岁生日。第二空应填序数词,nine变序数词时去e加th。 答案:d


eg: march is the third month of a year.


my mother is my first teacher.


典例】my mother bought me a sweater for my birthday. (南充)

a. twelfth b. twelve c. the twelfth

点拨: 表示多少岁生日时用“the/sb's十序数词十birthday”。


eg. first—1st twenty fourth—24th


eg. the fifth lesson 第五课。

典例】doris lives in the___floor. it’s too high, so she has to take alift every day

(沈阳)a. four b. fourth c. forty d. fortieth

点拨:本题用题眼法。根据第二句中的too high可以排除a、b两项。空格前有the,说明考查the+序数词表示编号的甩法,此处表示“第四十层楼”。 答案:d


eg: lesson five=the fifth lesson

world war two=the second world war


eg:room 321(读作room three two one) 321房间。

no.2 middle school第二中学。

class 3三班grade 7七年级。

典例】— excuse me,sir. here’s a package for lin tao. which room does he lives in?

(广东)a. 308 room b. room 308 c. the room 308 d. the 308 room

点拨: 本题用数词辨析法解题。用基数词表示编号时,不需要加定冠词the,基数词放在名词之后且名词首字母要大写。 答案:b


1)one by one一个个地。

2)two-way 双向的。

3)second to none 最好的;不可比拟的。

4)five-star 很出色的;第一流的;五星级的。

5)at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟;凌乱。

6)six of one and half a dozen of the other 半斤八两;不相上下。



1. boys and girls, please turn to page___and look at the __picture

a. fifth; five b. five; five

c. fifth ; fifthd. five; fifth

2.—d**id, how old is your father this year?

and we just had a special party for his

birthday last weekend安顺)

a. fortieth; forty b. forty; forty

c. forty; fortieth d. fortieth; fortieth

3.—how was your weekend?

—great. it was my grandfather's___

birthday. we enjoyed ourselves广东)

a. seventyb. seventieth

c. the seventieth d. seventeenth

4. mother's day is on the___sunday in may

in the united states(美国).

a. second b. third c. fourth d. first

5. christmas day is on __of december.

(砷a)a. twenty-five b. the twenty-five

c. twenty-fifth d. the twenty-fifth


1. next tuesday is my sister's __twelve) birthday. (烟台)

2. june is the___six) month of the year. (铜仁)

3. may is___five) month of the year. (黔南)

4. it will be helen’s___nine) birthday next monday (宿迁)

5. they are organizing the___thirty-nine) sports meeting of their school. (遵义)


第8课。辉煌的隋唐文化 二 一 教学目标 1 知识要点 颜真卿与柳公权的书法,阎立本 呈道子的绘画 莫高窟 乐舞。2 能力训练 通过列表整理隋唐时期主要文学艺术家及其艺术特点和代表作来培养学生归纳和整理知识的能力。3 情感与价值观 隋唐时期,文学艺术获得高度发展,在世界文学艺术史上占有重要地位,以此...


找规律。一 知识梳理 1 当问题比较复杂时,可以从问题的简单情形或特殊情形入手,通过对简单或特殊情形的试验,从中发现一般规律或做出某种猜想,从而找到解决问题的途径,此法是找规律的重要方法。2 观察,是一切发现的基础。孤立地观察不可能有收获,从比较中观察 从更大范围中观察,才会有收获。二 精讲精练 考...


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