七年级英语复习 2

发布 2023-02-22 22:58:28 阅读 5701

1. –are those your parentsyes, they are.

2. well, h**e a good day.

3. this is my friend jane. that’s my grandfather.

4. these are my brothers. those are my parents.

5. who’s she? she’s my sister.

6. here are two nice photos of my family.

7. my grandfather and grandmother are in the first photo. in the next picture are…

二.知识要点1 this is my sister.

1. this is ….这是…” 英语中, 用来把一个人或物介绍给另一个人。

2. that is ….那是….”用来介绍离说话者较远的人或物。 that is my book.

3. **用语中 “this is sb. (speaking)” 我是…..this is tom (speaking). 我是tom.

4. 介绍家人,朋友,宾客时不能用she is …,he is ….

考题。1. momis my friend , kim. a. this b. that c. she

2. look over thereis my father. he is reading. a. this b. that c. he

3is a pen. _is a pencil. a. this , this b. this, that c. it, it

4. mom, she is my classmate, lucy. (改错。

知识要点2 those are my two brothers.

1. 用来介绍单个人或物时。 that is … this is ….

2. 介绍两个或两个以上的人或物时, 用 these / those are ….these are my books.

3. this---these that --those

考题:用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。1.--what are theseit) are books.

2. -what arethat)? they are rulers.

3this) are my sistersthat) are my parents.

4this ) is my sister andthat) is my brother.

知识要点3 可数名词变复数的部分规则。

考题: 翻译下列词组。

1. 一个苹果2. 两个橘子。

3.三个中国人4. 这些手表。

5. 那些盒子6. 五个家庭。

7. 一些书包8. 一些钥匙。

9. 九个男孩10. 六张**。

知识要点4 单数句变复数句。

1. 单数句变复数句,要把单数句的主语,谓语,宾语都要变为复数,才协调。

人称代词i变 , you不变, he , she it 变。

指示代词this 变these, that变those

am ,is 变单数可数名词变为复数形式

单数句中有a或an 变复数句时, 要么去掉, 要么变为some.

2. 复数句变为单数句,刚好相反。但复数句中的名词在变为单数句时,要记住加a或an

考题 is a blue map. (改复数句blue

2. that is a nice watch. (同上nice

am a student. (同上students.

4. is that your photothose your

5. they are english boys.(改单数句) he is

6. what are those? (同上what

知识要点5 here is my family photo.

1. here “这里, 这儿”, 对应词 there “那儿,那里”

2. here is +单数名词。 here are + 复数名词。

如果主语是名词时,全部倒装: here is the money! here are two apples!

如果主语是代词,部分倒装:here it is.(它在在这儿) here you are.


考题。1. today is teachers’ day(教师节the card for you!

a. here is b. here are c. they are

2. herea. you are b. are you c. is it

3. here isa. a photo b. photos c. photo

知识要点6 thanks for 的用法。

1. thanks = thank you thanks for sth. 因某事而感谢某人。 thanks for your pen.

2. 常见感谢用语:many thanks . 多谢。 thank you very much. =thanks a lot. 非常感谢。

考题。1. thank youyour letter(信) 。a. for b. toc. at

2for teaching me so(这样)well. a. thanks you b. thanks c. thank

知识要点7 of 的用法。

介词, 表“……的” 常用来表示无生命名词的所有格。

a map of china = a china’s map 一幅中国地图 a photo of my family = my family photo

考题 1. this is a photoa tree. a. in b. of c. on

2. a photo of her family

知识要点8 名词所有格。

构成:1. 以 “s”结尾的复数名词的所有格加 “ teachers’ day 教师节。

2. 单数名词和不是以s 结尾的复数名词所有格加 “ s”

mike’s father 迈克的父亲 children’s day 儿童节。

3. 表示共同拥有在最后一个名词后用名词所有格。 lily and lucy’s room

4.表示分别拥有分别使用名词所有格。 lily’s and lucy’s rooms


1. 我妈妈的哥哥2. jack的朋友。

3. mary的书的学生证。


1. photo___复数) 2. that复数) 3. parent复数)

4. bus复数) 5. aren’t同音词) 人称代词代)

7. sister___对应词) 8. are not缩写) 9. these单数)

七年级英语1 2单元复习

1.姓名的拼写 书写时姓和名的第一个字母要大写,如 li ming 地名的首字母为大写,如 china,shijiazhuang 2.i live in china.in是介词,表示 在 里面 例如 i m in.我在里面。put it in your desk.把它放在你的桌子里。它的反义词是ou...


一 单词。1.连衣裙2.通常地3.四十4.从不5.早的6.五十7.车站8.滑稽可笑的 9.锻炼10.组11.一刻钟 12.作业 13.很快地 14.也 否定句15.有时 16.品尝 17.生命 pl.18.一半 19.最好的 二 短语。1.起床2.去上学。3.穿衣服4.刷牙。5.吃早餐6.洗淋浴。7...


unit2 复习。注释 1.宾格用于动词或介词的后面,介词有with of for to等。i want to help with english 我想帮助他学习英语。it s very kind of 你真好。why not tell about the news?为什么不告诉我那个新闻?2 形容...