
发布 2023-02-22 21:57:28 阅读 1061


i. 单项选择。

) don’t h**e a baseball but my friend __

a. do b. h**e c. hasn’t d. does

) 2. it is difficult __me .

a. with b. for c. at d. on

) 3. i h**e a new bike , my sister doesn’t h**e one .

a. but b. and c. or d. too

) 4. mike is a good student . he __helps others (帮助他人).

a. never b. not c. always d. no

) 5. my two __names are frank and john .

a. cousin b. cousins c. cousin’s d. cousins’

( )6. -where are your cds

a. it’s on the desk . you for your help .

c. they’re keysd. sorry , i don’t know .

) white model plane is __

a. her b. she c. hers d. she’s

)8. is that your computer game __the school library ?

a. for b. in c. on d. of

) 9. -my bike is black . yours , bob ? mine is black , too .

a. who b. what about c. what d. how

)10.- thanks for your help , jenny

a. sorry b. that’s right c. ok d. you’re welcome .

ii. 完形填空。

i’m alan ! i’m 12 . i __1_a brother .

he’s 10 . his _2__is kevin . we h**e different hobbies (爱好).

i like __3__tv very much . i h**e a small tv . it is __4__my room .

i watch basketball games every day . i think they’re __5__.i also like fruit .

i like apples , 6__and pears . i like carrots and eggs , too . they _7__good for us .

kevin is different from me . he likes computer games . he thinks they are fun , 8_i think they’re boring.

kevin __9__fruit . he likes french fries and ice-cream . and he also like hamburgers .

i don’t think they’re _10__and i don’t eat them .

) 1. a. has b. h**e c. meet d. need

) 2. a. name b. number c. room d. card

) 3. a. playing b. looking c. thanking d. watching

) 4. a. at b. on c. in d. under

) 5. a. boring b. interesting c. difficult d. nice

) 6. a. salad b. tomatoes c. oranges d. chicken

) 7. a. do b. does c. is d. are

) 8. a. and b . of c. but d. for

) 9. a. doesn’t like b. likes c. knows d. doesn’t know

) 10. a. well b. healthy c. fun d. relaxing

iii . 阅读理解。

this is __a)__english girl . her name is sonia . she has a great collection of balls .

she has three soccer balls , five baseballs , six volleyballs and two basketballs . b)它们在她床下面。 (c)she plays basketballs every day .

she likes kobe and she watches him play basketball on tv.

1. 在划线部分(a)处填写冠词。 _

2. 将划线部分(b)处翻译成英语。

3. 将划线部分(c)处改为一般疑问句,并做否定回答。

4. where are sonia’s balls

5. does she like kobe


1. li ping has a soccer ball . 变为一般疑问句)

___li ping __a soccer ball ?

2. she , does , a volleyball , h**e (连词成句)

3. -让我们一起去打网球吧! -听起来很有趣。


4. my dictionary is in the backpack . 变为一般疑问句)

5. where is his watch ?(变复数形式)


eat , they , tomato , photo , food

1. -do you like theseyes .they’re nice .

2. we h**e __and eggs for lunch .

3. let __watch tv .

4. we must h**e goodhabits .

5. some __is on bill’s desk . yeah ! i can see some bread and eggs .

假如你非常喜欢运动,每天都去学校运动中心(school sports center )做运动,因为那里有很多体育器材:篮球、乒乓球、排球、网球和棒球。你要帮体育老师mr.

black 写一则有关介绍学校运动中心的广告,希望同学们赶快加入到这来。(40词左右)


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