
发布 2023-02-22 03:01:28 阅读 3725






1. in english(英译汉 is(缩略形式。

3. thank you同义词反义词)



9. family(复数) gam(英译汉。

c)选词填空。(用my, your, his或her填空,可重复使用)(5分)

mary, is thispen?

b: no. it’s notpen.

mark, who’s that girl?

b: she’ssister.

a: what’sname.

b: lisa.

what’s that boy’s name?

bname is peter.

d) 单项选择题把正确的序号填在每道题前的括号内(20分)

)1. 一good evening, eric. 一cindy.

a. good morning b. good afternoon c. good evening

)2. 一what’s this? 一it’s orange .

a. a b. an c. the

)3. 一what is this english ? 一it’s a map .

b. at c. of


a.中国广播公司 b.英国广播公司 c.美国广播公司。

)5. 一spell map, please. 一 .

a map b. m-a-p, map c. m-a-p, map

)6. 一is that a ruler? 一 . it’s a book.

a. yes, it is b. no, it is c. no, it isn’t

)7. this isn’t pencil. it’s her pencil.

a. her

)8what’s this in english?

me c. thank you

) is a boy, name is tom.

a. he b. her c. his

)10. 一what’s his ? 一he is grace.

a. first b. last c. family

)11. 一how are you? 一 .

a. thank you are you fine, thank you.

)12. hello, am jenny. last name is green.

a. i, i b. i, my c. my, i

)13. 一 color is it? 一it’s black.

a. what b. what’s c. what

)14. thank you your family photo.

a. in b. at c. for

)15. 一are you mike? 一yes

a. i is b. i am c. i’m

)16. these are my two

a. brother b. parent c. sisters

)17. 一is he your father?一no, .he’s my cousin.

isn’t b. he is c. it isn’t

)18. jane isn’t my sister. my cousin

a. he’s b. she

)19. my father’ is my uncle.

)20. kate and linda good friends.

a. am b. is c. are

e)句子配对从b栏中选择相应的句子来回答a栏的问题 (10分)

ab ) afternoona. nice to meet you, too.

)2. what’s this in green.

)3. what’s his namec. he is d**id.

)4. what color is that jacket? an orange

)5. nice to meet youe. it’s 258-7689

)6. how do you spell keysf. good afternoon.

)7. are these your booksg. it’s on the table.

)8. where’s my they are.

)9. what’s your phone number? i. k-e-y-s, keys.

)10. is this a green penj. yes, it is.


a: good jim smith.__1__your name?

b:__2__.my name is gina brown.

a: how __3___you today(今天)?

b: i’m fine, thank you. _4__ you?

a: i’m __5__,too. thank 谁)is___6___in the picture?

b: she is my daughter. she is a teacher(老师).

a: is she a chinese(语文)teacher?

b: _7__.she is __8__ english teacher.

a: _9__ is the boy in the picture?

b: he is my __10__.he is a student(学生).

) 1. a. what b. what’s c. hello

) 2. a. good morning. b. good afternoon. c. hi

) 3. a. amb. arec. is

) 4. a. andb. arec. thank

) 5. a. ok b. thankc. meet

) 6. a. girlb. a girlc. the girl

) 7. a. yes, she is b. no, she isn’t c. no, she is

) 8. a. theb. ac. an

) where b. what c. who

) b. father c. son


a篇。i’m tom. look!

this is a pencil case. it’s red. it’s my pencil case.

what’s in the pencil case? there is a ruler, a pencil and an eraser in it. this is my ruler.

it is blue and red. this is a pencil. it is black and white.

oh, it is not my pencil. i think(想) it’s lucy’s pencil. and the blue eraser is tony’s.


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