人教版七年级英语下册暑假作业 分单元复习必备

发布 2023-02-22 19:11:28 阅读 6755

unit 1知识点精练。



1. 弹吉他2. 下中国象棋。

3. 擅长于做某事4. 打功夫。





ab )16. can you sing or dancea. yes, i am.

)17. are you playing footballb. i can dance..

)18. what club do you want to join? c. yes, i can.

)19. can you drawd. sounds great.

)20. let’s tell storiese. chess club.


)21. let’s go and play __ping-pong. i don’t want to play __violin.

a. a, the b. the, a c. x, the d the,the

)22. who wants __the singing club?

a. to joins b. join c. to join d joining

)23. i always help my sister___her history.

a. to b. with c. for d of

)24. maybe he can __in their basketball team.

a. is b. be c. are d am

)25. i can sing english songs very __

a. well b. much c. good d bad

)26. -can you play the violinbut i can sing.

a. yes,i do b. no, i don’t

c. yes,i can d. no, i can’t

)27. can you help me with ?

a. dance b. to dance c. dances d dancing

)28. my friend lisa is good at __

a. sing b. to sing c. singing d sings

)29. we want some singers___our rock band.

a. for b. at c. with d to

)30. he is funny。he likes___stories.

a. talking b. saying c. telling d speaking

)31. a:can you swim or play chess? b

a. yes ,i am can

a. i can swim don’t know

)32. are you good __kids?

a. with b. at c. for d. to

)33.--can i help youi can do it myself(我自己).

a. yes,please. b. sorry.

c. very goodd. no,thanks.

)34. a: _do you join the club? b: i like music.

a. what b. where c. why d how

)35. can you __chinese?

a. say b. talk c. speak d tell


51. i like跳舞) and playing the guitar.

52. she is good at讲故事) .

53. she is chinese, but she说) english very well.

54. the**人) like guitars and violins.

55. he wants to be a歌唱家) in the future(将来).

56. do you want to交朋友) with the boy?

57. can you表演) us how to play the guitar?

58. she says she likes画画).

59. he参加) the art club in the evening.

60. do you want to go to the讲故事) club.


61. can he play chess or play the drums?. 选用chess进行回答)

62. she can sing and dance. (否定句)


63. li lei can play the violin. (一般疑问句)

li lei __the violin?

64. she wants to join the music club. (就划线部分提问)

she __to join?

65. my sister wants to swim . 一般疑问句)


unit 2知识点精练


1. 去上学2. 起床。

3. 吃早餐4. 半小时。

5. 几点6. 刷牙。

7. 洗澡8. 散步。

9. 穿衣服10. 做作业。

11. 去睡觉12.或者……或者。


15. 回家。


)1. thanks for __me.

a. helping b. to help c. help

)2. what time does jane __after school?

a. do her homework b. does her homework c. do her homeworks

)3. -are you always late for school ,tom?

---no, _i get to school early.

a. never b. usually c. sometimes

)4. i like to h**e some vegetables and chicken __lunch.


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