
发布 2020-04-01 13:55:28 阅读 4538


1. science n.科学(scientist n.科学家)

2. description n.描述,记述v. describe

3. city n.城市cities (复数)

4. next adv.接下来(first首先then然后next接下来。


5. tired adj. (人)疲倦的,累的tiring (人或物)令人疲倦的,累的。

1. my f**orite subject我最喜欢的科目。

2. h**e biology上生物课=h**e a biology lesson/class)

h**e art上美术课=h**e an art lesson/ class

3. be so boring如此无聊。

be really interesting真的很有趣。

be such fun如此有趣(such修饰名词fun)

4. tv shows电视节目。

5. my dad’s f**orite sport 我爸爸最喜欢的运动。

6. be busy with sth./ be busy doing sth.忙于某事或做某事。

7. ask sb. about sth就某事询问某人。

8. study at school在学校学习。

9. be busy with sth=be busy doing sth忙于做。。。

10. after lunch午饭后。

11. my/the last class我的/最后一节课。

12. for two hours持续两小时。

13. be strict with sb. in sth.在某方面对某人要求严格。

14. after class下课后。

15. h**e chinese history club参加中国历史俱乐部。

16. play with sb./ sth.和……一块儿玩儿。

17. run around with sb和……到处跑。

18. the last one to e最后一个到达的人。

19. last week上周last year去年last night昨晚。

20. be late for迟到。

21. h**e a rest休息一下h**e a swim游泳。

h**e a try尝试一下h**e a good idea有个好主意。

h**e a good time=h**e fun + doing玩得开心。

22. ask sb to do sth叫某人做某事。

23. look around四处看看walk around到处走走。

24. do some washing/cooking/shopping洗衣服/做饭/购物。

1. -你最喜欢的科目是什么?--我最喜欢的科目是科学。

-what’s your f**orite subject?=what subject do youlike best?

-my f**orite subject is science.= i like science best.


why do you like pe? because it’s fun.

3.我最喜欢的科目是**?你呢?my f**orite subject ismusic? what is yours?

4. (今天)星期二,我要上生物课。it’s tuesday and i h**ebiology.

5.我喜欢星期五因为(周五)我们要上历史课。i love fridaybecause we h**e history in the morning.(主从句不分家)

6.今天下午我要上科学课。i h**e a science class thisafternoon.

7. -她为什么不喜欢数学?--因为她觉得太难了。

--whydoesn’t she like math?--because she thinks it’s verydifficult.

8. -你的美术老师是谁?--是琼斯太太。--who is your artteacher?–it’s mrs. jones.

9. -你妈妈最喜欢的颜色是什么?--是蓝色。

--what’s yourmother’s f**orite color?—her f**orite color is blue.

10. -你们什么时候有数学课?--我们星期。


-when do you h**e math? -we h**e math on monday,wednesday and friday.

11.肯最喜欢的科目是什么? -科学课。--what’s ken’sf**orite subject?—it’s science.

12.今天是星期二,11月11日。我真的很忙!it’s tuesday,november 11th. i am really busy!

13.它很难但很有趣。it’s difficult, but interesting.

14.然后在早上九点钟,我们上科学课。then at 9:00 am, weh**e science.

15.吃完午饭后,我们打两个小时的排球。after lunch, weplay volleyball for two hours.

16.我们的老师对我们很严格,每次课后我们都很累。ourteacher is strict with us. we are all tired after class.


i don’t like anysubject. i like basketball only(i only like basketball).

18.我喜欢和我的狗,nick玩儿。i like to play with mydog, nick.

19.但他科目只是随我随便跑跑而已。but his “subject”is only running(to run) around with me.

三点一测》1.你为什么迟到?因为我起床晚了。why are you late?because i get up late.

2.因为我病了所以不能去上学。i can’t go to schoolbecause i am ill.

3.谁有尺子? who has a ruler?

4.你常给谁写信? who(m) do you often write to ?

5.我们每天上午7点上英语课。we h**e english at 7:00every morning.

6.他们一周上两节体育课。they h**e two lessons in aweek.

7.学生忙于各种各样的考试。students are busy with allkinds of exams.


smith is busy withhis work every day.= mr. smith is busy doing his work everyday.

9.我下个月想去北京。i want to go to beijing nextmonth.

10.我认为他们是严厉的父母。i think they are strictparents.

11.她对学ui生要求很严格。she is very strict with herpupils.

12.我们应该对自己严格要求。we should be strictourselves in study.

13.我工作了一天了,我很累。i work all day and i amtired.

14.我能问你一个问题吗? can i ask you a question?

15.老师叫我为我班同学唱歌。the teacher asks me to singa song for my classmates.

iv. functions and topics:谈论对学校的科目的喜好及原因。

v. grammar: w-h特殊疑问句。

1. f**orite

2. busy, strict



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