
发布 2023-02-21 21:12:28 阅读 5104


starter)unit 1-unit3.

1. —good morning / afternoon / evening. 早上好/ 下午好 / 晚上好。

2. —how are you! 你好吗?— i’m , thanks. 我很好,谢谢!

你呢?(你好吗?)—i'm fine, too.

另外注意:how is your mother? 你的妈妈好吗?she is fine. 她身体好。

例如: tom is fine.(提问tom?

3. what’s this in english? 这个用英语怎么说这个是什么a map / an orange. 它是一张地图/一个桔子。

例如this is a pen.(提问this (in english)?that is an apple.(提问总结: 对提问用。

冠词a, an的用法是。

例如:an apple, an orange, an egg, an ice-cream, an eraser, an id card, an english book / boy / girl / party / day, an art festival , an hour, an aunt , an uncle,注意a,an ,the 用法: 第一次提到用___或___第二次再次提到时用如:

that’s __ruler.__ruler is blue.

4. —spell it, please. 请拼写它。

it? 你怎样拼写它? —p-e-n.

5is it? 它是什么颜色red. 它是红色。

例如: her pen is white. (提问her pen?

总结: 对提问用。

unit 1. 1.——what’s your name? 你叫什么名字?


her / his name? 她 / 他叫什么名字?her/ his name’s...

例如:my name is john.(提问name?

her brother's name is tim.(提问her brother's name?

总结: 对提问用。

2. what’s your first name你的名是什么? my first name is...

what’s your last / family name? 你姓什么?

last name = family name) my last/family name is ..


例如:my name is john smithis my family name, is my first name. her name's li hong.

her last name is

3. i’m mary. =my name is mary.

我叫玛丽。she is mary. =her name is mary.

她叫玛丽。he is li lei.= his name is li lei.


4. —nice to meet you

5your telephone number? 你的**号码是什么?

my telephone number is 5753010. /it’s 5753010.

what's her/his phone number? it's 5762353.

总结: 对提问用。

如: amy's phone number is 5763212amy's phone number?

unit 2. 1. excuse me.

is this / that your pencil? 打扰一下,这个 / 那个是你的铅笔吗?yes, it is.

/no, it isn’t. 是的,它是。/ 不,不是( 回答时常用it替代上文中的this和that ).

区分:excuse me 用在而sorry 用在。

例如i lost your pen. —never mind. (没关系。)

2. this / that is my ruler. 这个 / 那个是我的尺子。

改错: that is a her book. those are she pencil.

3. please call mary at 495-3539. 请给mary 打**:495-3539.

总结:call sb at + **号码。**号码前常用介词。

4. lost and found失物招领___the lost and found case在失物招领箱里5.一串钥匙。

unit 3. 1. this / that is my sister. 这位 / 那位是我的姐姐。

此句的复数形式是my .

总结:(this/ that的复数分别是要把单数句变成复数句,需把变成把复数句变成单数句,把变成。

these are watches. 单数句是。

2. it is a watch. 复数形式是注意冠词a)she is a girl.复数句是总结:(he / she / it 复数都是和this/that的复数不同)

3. is he / guo peng your brother? yes, he is. /no, he isn’t.

总结:注意这里的问句主语是所以回答也用而:is this a boy?

肯定回答是否定回答是又如:is that an eraser? 肯定回答是否定回答是 。


4the photo of your family. 谢谢你的家庭照(全家福the photo of your family.句中the photo of your family = your family photo总结:


unit 4.1. where my backpack?

我的背包在哪儿 in the drawer / under the bed / on the bookcase. where the books? 那些书在哪儿?

in the drawer / under the bed / on the bookcase.

总结:where is/are ..是由决定is 或are的,同时对提用。

如:the books are on the desk. (提问the books?

2. it’s / they’re in the drawer / under the bed / on the bookcase.

它 / 它们在抽屉里 / 床底下 / 书柜上。 (注意主语和be动词照应)

3. is the book / is it on the bed / in the backpack / under the desk?这本书/它在床上 / 背包里 / 桌子下吗?

yes, is. /no, isn't.

are they on the bed / in the backpack / under the desk? yes, are. /no, aren't.

4. take …to … 把…带走到… bring….to… 把…带来到…

总结:bring表示从另一处带到这儿。运动方向是由远到近。take表示从这儿带到另一处。运动方向是由___到__。用bring, take填空)

tom, can you this book to your sister? sure. i'll___it to your homework to school tomorrow(明天).


unit 1 知识点滴 h e an elder sister and an elder brother.elder和older都是old的但它们在用法上有所区别。在此句,elder表示。之意。elder只能用来修饰人,放在前,反义词是而older一般指年龄大小的比较。除了可以修饰人,表示还可以修饰...


unit seven unit eight unit 7 what dose he look like?一。自己归纳有关描述人物特征的词汇。二。短语词组。like 看起来像。short straight long hair卷 短 直发。height build 中等高度 身材 little bit ...


七上 module 1 2 一 翻译词组。1 中国首都2 在同一家医院3 在教室的隔壁。4 betty的父母5 来自中国6 在图书馆前面。二 词汇运用 a 单词拼写。1他们 parents are from different countries.2.where are you来自 is from英...