七年级1 3单元

发布 2023-02-20 11:49:28 阅读 4679






1. is this your __叔叔)?

and gina are his姐妹).

are my朋友).

女孩 )are her sisters.

those are my兄弟).

they her祖父母)?

双亲)are pete and nancy.

they his钥匙)?

they your堂兄弟)?

10那些)are her apples.

二。 单项选择 (15分)

the best answer. 最佳选择。(15分)

)1. this is friend. name is li ming.

a. my, he b. her, he’s c. my, his

) these your ?

a. friend b. cousins c. dictionary

)3.— are those your grandparents? —yes, .

a. they are b. they’re c. they is

)4. very much.

b. thanks you c. thank you

)5. is an english book.

a. she b. it c. he

) family friendly(友好的).

a. be b. am c. are

) brown is my uncle. i call him .

brown b. sam uncle c. uncle sam

)8. are gina’ ?

a. this, pencil cases b. these, pencil cases c. those, pencil cases

)9. my father and my mother.

a. this’s, that’s b. this is, that’s c. this’, that is

)10. here your books.

a. are b. is c. am

)11.—are these your books

a. yes, these are b. no, these aren’t c. yes, they are

)12.— is he your friend

a. yes, it is b. yes, he is c. no, he is my friend

)13.— thanks for your help

a. that’s all right b. thank you c. ok

)14.— here is your pen

a. thanks b. yes c. excuse me

)15.— who’s this girl

a. he is jack b. she is good c. she is my sister

)1. what’s this __english?

b. for c. of

)2. what’s __name?

a. you b. she c. her

)3. what color is it

a. it’s a pen. b. it’s black c. it’s a black.

)4. her name is gina green. her last name is __

b. green c. gina green

)5. what’s your telephone number? -5577815.

a. i am b. it is c. they are

)6. is this your rulerit’s my ruler.

it is b. no, it isn’t c. no, it is

) he __english boy?

a. a b. an c. the

) parents.

a. is b. are c. isn’t

)9.__those___friends? c. is

)11. please call li ping___027

a. are, your b. is, your c. are ,you

)10. _that your gold ring? -yes, it is.

a. am b. are

a. for b. at c. in

)12. this is not___watch. i think it’s __watch.

a. you, he b. she, my c. his, her

)13.__these her hats?-no, they___

a. is ,isn’t b. are, aren’t c. are, are

)14. what’s this?-_

a. it’s an eraser b. it’s white c. this is my sister

)15. hello! are you jane?-_

a. yes, i’ m b. yes, it is. c. no, i am not



w: look! what’s that?

m: _1

w: who’s that girl?

m: 2 w: how old is she?

m: 3 w: who’s that woman?

m: she’s my mother.

w: _4

m: 5 b: 请选择下表中的单词完成对话,填在对话后的横线上

a: excuse 1 , tony. is this your 2 ?

b: yes, thank 3 . and that’s my pencil.

a: tony, what’s this?

b: it is 4 eraser.

a: what 5 is it?

b: it’s white.

四。 完成句子,每空一词 (10分)


it ? it’s


this? it’s


isin the __andcase?

4. 请在早上打**给大卫,**号码是5516131?

d**id __5516131 in the___

5.这是我的表妹, 这些是我的祖父母。

this __my __and __are my __

五。 阅读理解 (20分)

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