
发布 2023-02-18 00:36:28 阅读 4032



亲爱的同学们,请你们认真审题,并且注意书写工整、认真答题,考出自己的真实水平!good luck!



) 1. a.. bd b. ak c. nm d. ge

) 2. a. fdb b. cgh c. eal d. jln

) 3. a. ahk b. bdg c. lmn d. bbc

) 4. a. caac b. hndf c. kjha d. dgec

) 5. a. ijlc b. hbdk c. adgb d. fgmn


a. ok. what’s your telephone number?

b. i’m fine, thank you.

c. let’s go out soon, mark.

d. come and meet my family. mum, this is mark.

e. nice to meet you, too, mrs. lee.

f. it’s 4657597.

g. pleased to meet you, mark.

h. hello, mark. how are you?

i. no, i’m in class 5.

j. are you in class 6, too?



)1. 英语共有___个字母,有___个元音字母,有___个辅音字母。

a. 26, 5, 19 b. 26, 5, 20 c. 26, 20, 5 d. 26, 7, 19

)2. 元音字母为___

a. aa, ee, ii, oo, rr b. aa, ee, ii, oo, uu

c. aa, ii, yy, oo, rr d. aa, ee, oo, uu, yy

( )3. 在字母表可以看出有两个字母能独立成词。

a. i, yb. a, a c. i, a d. i, a

)4. 下面各组句子中大小写、拼写或标点符号有一处错误的是___

a. are you tom? b. that’s all right.

c. where is zhang xiaoling? d. i’m here.




)8 ._nameandtelephonenumber?





)11. seven nine zero four eight three nine is __




is lucy green. her family name is __

a. lucy b. green c. lucy green

)15. this is a photo __my family.

a. of b. on c. at


my name is feifei. i’m fifteen, i’m a middle school student. i 1 in class five, grade nine.

my teacher 2 mr zhang. he is 3 english teacher. i 4 a brother 5 a sister.

i h**e a new friend, 6 .she is a girl. 7 name is jane.

she 8 at school(上学). i think she is 9 home(在家). look!

these are books. they’re 10 books.

) 1. a. is b. am c. are d./

) 2. a. am b. are c. is d. be

) 3. a. an b. the cd. a

) 4. a. h**e b. has c. am d. do

) 5. a. but b. and c. so d. or

) 6. a. too b. either c. also d. as well

) 7. a. she b. her c. hers d. he

) 8. a is b. are c. isn’t d. aren’t

) 9. a. in b. on c. with d. at

)10. a. ours b. us c. we d. our



this is a photo of row two(第二排). the boys in the photo are li liang, yang cheng, guo kai and i. the tall man is our teacher, mr li.

li liang is twelve, yang cheng is thirteen(十三), guo kai is as old as(跟……一样大) yang cheng. i am eleven. we are good students in the class.

our english is very good.

)1students are in the photo .

a. three b. four c. five

)2. what’s the teacher’s family name?

a. guo b. liang

)3. how old is guo kai? he is .

a. twelve b. thirteen c. eleven

)4. what’s the whole age of these boys(这些男孩合计多少岁)?

a.49 b.36c.40

)5. how is these boys’ english?

a. goodb. not goodc. i don’t know


this is our(我们的) school---no. 7 middle school(中学).

there are two tall buildings(建筑) in it. in one building there are thirty(三十) classrooms and seven offices. in the other building there are six labs, three computer rooms and four art rooms.

there are three grades in our school. in each(每个) grade, there are eight classes. there are about(大约) 1,200 students and 150 teachers in our school.

we (我们)all(都) love(热爱) our school.

the name of the school is

there are six


朱店中学2014 2015学年第一学期期中考试试题 卷 七年级英语。卷 100分 字母 共5分 按顺序写出五个元音英文字母大小写形式 5分 词汇 共20分 a 英汉互译 每小题1分,共10分 1.早上好 number 3.姓氏 for 5.用英语。7.我的名字 are you 9.身份证 the t...


灵芝中学2012 2013学年度第一学期中期考试试题 卷 七年级英语。班级学号姓名得分 a卷 100分 一。选出与所给字母含有相同元音音素的一项。5分 d.i 二。书写。15 a 写出下列字母的大写或小写形式。2.b 4.a 6.h 7.e 8.f b 写出下列字母的左邻右舍。1.m 2.g 3.p...


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