
发布 2023-02-13 06:51:28 阅读 1356


林芝地区第一小学( 2014-2015)学年第一学期。

(卷面总分 100 分)




(同义词6. late(反义词。



名词 (第三人称单数)

比较级 (现在分词)

第三人称单数) 现在分词)


19. it’s(完整形式单数)




5. 假日6. 打开。

7.开始8. 歌曲。


long ago

up17. sing fun

19. turn off20. be quiet


1. let’s it.

b. do

)2. timego to bed.

b. for

)3. they are talking

a. loud b. loudly c. he**y

)4. it’s quietplease.

it up b. turn it on

)5. i can play football.

a.the b. a c. /

)6. what’s jenny doing? she is

b. to ski

)7. everyonethree little pigs.


)8. is it hot cold?

b. or c. but

)9. you made a big snowman with

b. i )10. we a birthday party yestoday.

a. h**e b. had c. h**ing

四、 翻译句子。(10分)

1. what do you wear in spring

2. how is the weather in winter

3. what a cold , snowy day

4. i’m going to put on my coat

5. i like to skate

6. may i play the guita

7. what film do you want to see

8. i’m buying a book for you

9. li ming can stand up on the ice

10. don’t take off your coat


1. what did you saw yesterday

2. jenny is going to buy a t-shirt

3. you h**e some apples

4. i don’t h**e a books

5. danny catchs a basketball

六、用be 动词的正确形式填空。(10分)

1、my father( )a doctor, his f**ourite colour ( green.

2. i ( a basketball player.

3. you ( my friend. we ( in the same class.

4. onion, pea and cabbage ( vegetables.

5. there ( many people in the house.

6. that ( my pencil. here you (

7. who ( they


dabing and xiaowei usually go to school by bike. they drive past(经过) a cinema, a supermarket and a toy shop. the toy shop is next to the supermarket.

yaya and xiaoli usually go to school by bus. they go past a bank(银行) and a post office. the bank is next to the post office.

longlong usually walks to school. he passes by a police station(警署站), a library and a swimming pool(游泳池).

) 1. —how many students are there in the short essay(短文。

a. threeb. four. c. five.

) 2. —how does longlong go to school

a. on feetb. by bus. c. by bike.

) 3. —does xiaoli take a taxi to school

a. no, she isn’t b. no, she doesn’t

c. yes, she does.

) 4. where is the toy shop

a. it’s farb. it’s next to the supermarket.

c. it’s near the school.

) 5. —where is the bank

a. it’s very nearb. it’s next to the supermarket.

c. it’s next to the post office.



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