
发布 2023-02-12 08:39:28 阅读 2313


一、 听朗读,标出**正确的序号。(10分)


)1、 bus is . bike is . car is .

)2、 is . b. tim is . c. tim is as old as jim.

)3、 taxi . bus . c. by bike .

)4、 are $3 . are ¥2. c. it’s $3.

)5、 is . c. mary is .


i went towith my parents . we went bythe ticket was __yuan . it’swe went to the market and i bought a new petthe new turtle ismyone.

but i like it .

四、 听读短文,判断对错,对的写“t ” 错的写“f ”。5 分)

) 1. there are five people in my family.

) 2. my mother is younger than my father.

( )3. my father is 38 years old.

( )4. i’m taller than my brother.

( )5. i’m 11 years old.


) carton

) pear


1. young2. hot3. expensive

4. cheap5. beautiful

6. bad7. tall8. big

9. good10. he**y___


) isthe pen or the tv?

a. cheap b ,cheaper c. the cheapest

) isthe pen or the ruler?

a .cheap b. cheaper c. the cheapest

) is __than peter.

a, old b. older c, the oldest.

)4.__is the biggest in the world.

a, the ant b, the elephant c, the whale

) isat dancing .

a. better b. best c. good

) 6. tonyfaster than ben.

a. running b. runs c. run

( )7. i like

a. go hiking b. hiking c. hike

)8is bigger, the hippo or the horse?

a. who b. which c. how

)9. howdoes your uncle usually go to work?

a. much b. often c. many

)10. howchildren does your uncle has?

a. much b. often c. many


rabbit likes to eat c .

and fis one hundred.

live near school. so i go to school on f .

bonnie bigger t gogo?

video game is ei won’t buy it.


which, who, whose, how much, how often

1is the plane ticket (票 )?

2is shorter, the boy or the girl?

3turtle is faster, the old one or the new one?

4does fred go iumping? twice a day.

5noodles were worse, mary’s or jenny’s


1、her hair isbut my hair is __than hers.(long)

2、the pencil is one yuan, the pen is two yuan, the book is five yuan. the book isthe pen isthe pencil ischeap)

3. my guitar r is 85 yuan. his guitar is 100 yuan. mine ischeap)

4. you got a a in the test. i only got a b. you are __than i.(good)

5. whichbewhite),the snow or the wall? the snow is

muchbe) they? they’re 30dollar).

7. jennylikeshop).

8. which isexpensive),the tv or the radio?

he buy those shoes? hebuy) at that store.


1. it’s a very more expensive pen

2. who is short, tom or tony

3. jenny is taller and good than lisa

4. who is bigger, the elephant or the hippo

5. a butterfly is bigger than a insect


hi ! i’m ken .my grandmother’s the oldest in my family .

she’s 61 years old . my mother’s 34 and my father’s 38 . my brother bob’s 13 and my sister jan’s 8 .

i’m 11 .


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