
发布 2023-02-11 15:28:28 阅读 1488





一、 listen and number.听录音,给下列**排序。(10分)


)1、a. metro b. menu c. make

)2、a. february b. factory c. family

)3、a. hair b. air c. chair

)4、a. through b. so c. throw

)5、a. three b. thirteen c. thirty

)6、a. messy b. many c. merry


)1、a. yes, i amb. yes, i do. c. yes, we can.

)2、a. it means “danger”.b. yes, it is. c. no, there isn’t.

)3、a. in a juice shop b. in a restaurant c. in a bookshop

)4、a. at six thirty b. by bus. c. yes, ido.

)5、 can take the bus. b. we can put the rubbish in the bin.

can throw the bottles in the river.


)1、mike went to the shopping centre with his parents.

)2、they went there by metro.

)3、they bought some food.

)4、they went home at six.


liu tao’s __is very messy. there are some __clothes on the bed. there are some toys on the floor.

his mother comes in and saysplay. look at your room. the clothes __the bed messy.

___your room now.”“yes, mum,” liu tao says.



)1. a mum b carc brother d colour

)2. a sweater b menc greatd centre

)3. a metro b breakfast c messy d factory

)4. a book b cook c look d noodle

)5. a student b but c luck d bus


1.在一家购物中心6. in a restaurant

2. 一些公共标志7. plant more trees

3. 弄脏8. on the ground

4. 交朋友 eating or drinking

5. 保持房间干净10. walk on





7、did not(缩写形式8、they(宾格。



1. smoke makes the air d

2. to k___the classroom c , we can sweep the floor.

3. these toys m___the bedroom messy.

4. history m___is very interesting.

5. i went to the shopping c___with my mum last week.


)1. -what do the signs mean, yang linga small house.

a. it means b. it meanc. they mean

)2. -there’s a sign there. it means “ no___

--yes, we can’t __in the river.

a. swim; swim b. swimming; swimming c. swimming; swim

)3. people call the metroin the us.

a. subway b. undergroundc. metro

) watch tv___7:00___the evening.

a . on; onb. at; onc. at; in

)5. it means “no parking”. you cannot __

a. litter here b. smoke herec. park your car here

)6. these signs___different things.

a. means b. meanc. meaning

)7. the sign means the floor is __you should walk carefully.

a. dirtyb. cleanc. wet

) home last night.

a . doesn’t b. isn’tc. didn’t

)9. grandma is sleeping. we___shout.

a. shouldb. shouldn’tc. can

)10. -what___youi’m watching tv.

a. did; dob. are; doingc. am; doing

)11. we can __to keep our school clean.

a. throw the rubbish b. walk to school c. sweep the floor

)12. the book is on the ground. please___

a. pick them upb. pick up it c. pick it up

)13. -what __our city dirty?

-smoke___the cars and the factories.

a. makes; fromb. make; fromc. takes; to

)14makes the card for helenmike does, i think.

a. whatb. wherec. who

)15.--how did you go to the park yesterdayi___a bus.

a. byb. takec. took

) can __the flower now.


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