
发布 2023-02-11 05:35:28 阅读 6987




一、 听音,找出与所给单词同一类的选项。(5分)

)1. a. cow b. train

)2. a. path b. bus

)3. a. bee b. monkey

)4. a. building b. swinging

)5. a. left b. fan

二、 听句子,找出句子**项的一项。(5分)

)1. a. plate b. plan c. plane

)2. a. five b. fifth c. fifty

)3. a. no.18 b. no.80 c. no.8

)4. a. stop b. go c. wait

)5. a. right b. middle c. left

三、 听问句,选出合适的答语。(10分)

)1. a. he goes to work by subway.

b. she goes to work on foot.

)2. a. i can go swimming.

b. i can go by train.

)3. a. he is writing a report.

b. he is cooking dinner.

)4. a. they can climb trees.

b. they can drink water with their trunks.

)5. a. it’s cold and snowy.

b. it’s cool and windy.



luke: how do you go to school, mike?

mike: i usually go to schooli gohow do you go to school?

luke: i want to gohow can i get there?

mike: it’s easy. walk to theturn right. you can see it.

luke: ok. thank you very much.

mike: you’re welcome.



1. a. leaf b. please c. tead. tree

2. a. pigb. timec. fifthd. music

3. a. father b. wantc. washd. what

4. a. pear b. bearc. neard. hear

5. a. byb. flyc. kited. hi


1at a red lightat a green light.

2. zhongshan park is notit’s veryyou can take a bus there.

3. summer isbut winter is

4. the fish canthe rabbit can

5. we live inwe speak


)1. goa green light.

a. tob. atc. in

)2. theare the same in every country.

a. traffic lights b. traffic rules c. traffic

)3. the tree isthe left.

a. onb. atc. in

)4. in the usa , drivers drivethe right side.

a. inb. atc. on

)5. they go to parktaxi.

a. byb. onc. take

)6. my home isthe first floor.

a. inb. atc. on

( )7. there some water in the bottle.

a. isb. arec. be

)8. hein bed now.

a. sleeping b. sleep c. is sleeping

)9. how manyare there on the mountain?

a. sheeps b. sheepc. sheepes

)10. the elephant is drinking water its trunk.

a. ofb. withc. by


)1. in england, drivers drive on the right side of the road.

)2. we must look at the traffic lights before cross the street.

)3. you can go to somewhere by subway in chaozhou.

)4. you can’t go to hainan by ship.

)5. usually i go to school on foot, because it’s fast.


1. i go to the park on foot. (就划线部分提问)

2. i usually do homework on the weekend. (就划线部分提问)

3. my, office, near, is, the, post, home (连词成句)

4. you can go on foot, if you like. it’s not far. (译成中文)

5. what is amy doing in the kitchen? (用cook dinner回答)


sue and linda usually go to school by car. they drive past(经过) a cinema(电影院)and a food shop. the cinema is near the food shop.

jack and mike usually go to school by bus. they go past a park. mary usually goes to school by bike.

she rides a bike past a zoo.

( )1. how many people are there in this passage(短文)?

a. threeb. fourc. five

( )2. where is the food shop?

a. near the cinema. b. near the park. c. near the zoo.

)3. how does mike go to school?

a. by carb. by bus. c. by bike.

)4. where do jack and mike go past?

a. a food shop. b. a zooc. a park.

)5. how does mary go to school?

a. ride a bike. b. by car. c. by bike.

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