
发布 2023-02-11 04:46:28 阅读 4762



1. my cap is old, i want to buy a n one.

2. her ruler is long, mine is s .

3. the elephant is big, the mouse is s .

4. my brother is three years o than me.

5. –how m people are there in your family? -there are six.


( )1. a. teacher b. breakfast c. clean

( )2. a. fly b. cry c. sunny

( )3. a. any b. sad c. many

( )4. a. write b. this c. his

( )5. a. uncle b. use c. student

三、选择。( )1. lucy is as as lily.

a. tall b. taller c. younger

( )2. you your homework yesterday?

a. do, do b. did, do c. do, did

( )3. he went to beijing the morning of may 1st.

a. in b. at c. on

( )4. here is a cup of tea you.

a. for b. to c. at

( )5. mr. black is father.

a. lucy’s and lily b. lucy and lily’s c. lucy’s and lily’s

( )6. -are you going? -i’m going to the park.

a. when b. what c. where

( )7. -shall we meet? -at nine o’clock.

a. where b. how c. when

( )8. john is than mike.

a. thinner b. fatter c. thin

( )9. how many are there in the room?

a. children b. child c. man

( )10. this is pencil, is in my pencil case.

a. her, my b. his, mine c. yours, mine


( )1. there are some rice in the bag.

( )2. let we go to the supermarket.

( )3. there are a computer and two books on the desk.

( )4. what color is your brother schoolbag?

( )5. my father like reading news*****s.



father usually to work by .


when youthe bookstore?

3. –你会打扫房间吗? -是的,我会。

-can you theyes, i .

4.-我的猫在哪儿? -它在树下面。

where isit’s the .

5.-那个男孩是谁? -他是我的哥哥。

-who ishe is my .


1. this is a book.(改为复数句)

2. he is drawing a picture.(改为一般疑问句)

3. the lamp is on the table.(对划线部分提问)

4. did she read books yesterday? (作否定回答)

5. the hat is brown.(对划线部分提问)


1. yesterday teachers’ day.

2. december is themonth of the year.

3. this box is than that one.

4. nick from england.

5. we are going to a class meeting next monday.


the rabbit and the mouse are good friends, they live in the same hole, but they are very different. the rabbit likes carrots, and it likes sleeping at night. the mouse likes rice and corns and it likes sleeping in the day.

they h**e a good time every day.

)1. who does the rabbit live with?

a. the mouse. b. the monkey. c. the mouth.

)2. are the rabbit and the mouse the same?

a. yes, they are. b. no, they are. c. no, they aren’t.

)3. what does the mouse like?

a. rice and carrots. b. rice and corns. c. i don’t know.

)4. what does the rabbit like?

a. carrots. b. rice. c. corns.

)5. do they h**e a good time every day?

a. yes, they’re. b. no, they are. c. yes, they are.



提示词:tall, old, he**y, thin, young, like…


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