
发布 2023-02-03 12:45:28 阅读 6286


姓名得分。一. 抄写下列单词和句子,要求书写工整,格式正确。(8分)

young capital china monday summer palace

i'm going to visit my grandmother tomorrow.


sunday wednesday tuesday thursday friday monday saturday


) coolc .noodles

) carc. mother

) oldb .tallerc .bigger

) kitec .friday

) great wall b .big ben c. robot


)1will it be windy in beijing?

a. no, it will. b. yes, it will. c. yes, it is.

) 2. therearemany __ontheriver.

a .boat

) you take your kite tomorrow?

a. no, i won’t. b. yes, it won’t. c. yes, it is.

) will take my kite___saturday.

a. in b. at c. on

)5.we’re going to __a picnic tomorrow.

a. h**e

) play __my friends

a. with b. to c.不填

) can

a. walk b. walking c. 不填

( )monday i will go

a. swim b. swimming

( )day , robot will do

b. 不填

)10. parrotis**erybird.

a. naughtyb. shyc .nice

四。 ⅳ句子匹配。请从b栏中选出与a栏句子相匹配的句子,并将其代号填入相应的括号内。(每小题2分,共10分)

ab ) itisn’t.

) take your

) 3. whatwilltheydoc .it’sarobot.

) 4. issamstrongerthandaming? d .yes, i will.

) heisn’t.

五。 请选出最恰当的译文。(每小题2分,共10分)

)1. 机器人会做蛋糕。

a. robot can do everything.

b. they can help children learn.

c. robots can make cakes.

( )2. 明天将是晴天吗?

a. it will do cold tomorrow.

b. will it be sunny tomorrow?

c. will it be hot tomorrow?

)3. 机器人会走路。

a. robots can talk.

b. robots can walk.

c. robots can’t walk.

)4. 她是一个好老师。

a. she’s a nice teacher.

b. she’s a bit shy.

c. she’s very nice.

)5. 伦敦是英国的首都。

a .it’s a book about london.

b .london is the capital of england.

c. i’m from england.

六。阅读短文,判断正( t )误( f )(每小题2分,共18分)

hi! my name is amy. my friend’s name is daming.

daming’s hair is shorter. my hair is longer. he is taller than i.

and i’m younger than daming. i’m fatter and he is thinner.

( )is daming’s friend.

) 2. daming’s hair is shorter than amy’s.

) is younger than amy.

) 4. amy is a girl.

) 5. daming is fatter than amy.

look at my family. this is my mother. she’s very nice.

this tall man is my father. he’s clever. this is my older brother, peter.

he’s very naughty. i’m jack. i’m a pupil now.

we’ll h**e a picnic this saturday. we’ll go to mount tai. and we’ll take some pictures there.

i hope it will be sunny that day.

1. jack’s father is tall. (

2. jack is older than peter

3. they are going to mount qomolangma this saturday

4. they will h**e a picnic on saturday



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