
发布 2023-01-29 02:35:28 阅读 8181




1. w nd w2. l v ng room

3. sch lbag4. 强壮的 str g

5. ch__ck n


对应词 (缩写式。





)1. a. ruler b. excuse c. computer

)2. a. use b. cut c. cute

)3. a. note b. not c. phone

)4..a. lot b. box c. note

)5. a. tube b. under c. up



)1your friend?

she’s in the living room.

a. where’s b. where are c. where do

)2. —is john in the study? —yes

a. she does b. she is c. he is

)3on the chair? —yes, they are.

a. is the cat b. are your books c. they are

)4. —where are the platesin the kitchen.

a. it’sb. they is c. they are

)5. —are the boys on the sofa? —no

a. they are b. they aren’t c. they aren’t

)6. timblue eyes.

a. like b. h**e c. has

)7. i h**e afriend.

a. chinese b. chinese c. china

)8. my friend is a boyname is mike.

a. his b. him c. her

)9. he is myand he’s very __

a. friend; friendly b. friendly; friend c. friends; friend

)10. —what’s her name

a. my name is bill b. she’s chen jie c. his name is wu yifan


my, has ,a ,sister

2. h**e, i ,hair, brown, big, and, eyes

3. is, tall, thin, she, and

4. they, the, in ,bathroom, are

the, is ,study,computer, in


1. my uncle is又高又瘦)

2. sarah has长头发)

3. i h**e红色的鞋子)

4. the little girl has黑色的眼镜)

5. my sister has a蓝色的帽子)


)no, he isn’t. let’s go to the bedroom.

)hey, d**id! i h**e a cute dog.

)mmm…is he in the living room?

)look! he’s under the bed.

)really? where’s he?


1. he’s veryfriend)

2 what’sname? (she)

3. where are yourcandy)

4. her glassesorange. (is)

5. she isand thin. (tall)


a:this is my can see two bedrooms,a living room and a kitchen.

b:1a:yes,it is.

b:2a:thank you.

b:3a:is she in the kitchen?

b:4a:look!she's here.5


)1. what’s your namea. yes, you’re right.

)2. is he johnb. he’s xiao hua.

)3. who’s the boyc. it’s blue.

)4. what colour is your bag? d. my name is kate.

)5. where’s hee. near the window.


hello! i’m mary. welcome to my home.

look! this is my bedroom. my crayons are on the desk.

the chair is near the desk. the schoolbag is on the chair. some pictures are on the wall.

my ball is under the bed. my bed is big and nice. i like my bedroom very much.


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