北师大版 四年级英语上册期中考试

发布 2023-02-02 13:25:28 阅读 1782



i. listen and choose.(选出你听到的单词,将其标号填入题前括号内。)

1. a. blue b. black c. bake

2. a. sail b. sad c. say

3. a. fan b. fox c. fly

4. a. run b. rain c. ruler

5. a. many b. may c. match

6. a. bake b. ball c. bike

ii. listen and tick or cross.(判断听到的句子与所给的图是否一致,用“√”或“×”表示。)

iii. listen and number.(按听到的句子顺序编号。)

do you like candy?

what colour is your skirt?

does jane like coffee?

can you help me?

h**e you got any ink?

iv. listen and choose.(选出你听到的句子,将其标号填入题前括号内。)

1. a. h**e you got any *****?

b. h**e you got any ink?

c. h**e you got any glue?

2. a. does mark like playing baseball?

b. does mary like playing basketball?

c. does mary like playing football?

3. a. his bag is black and blue.

b. her bag is black and brown.

c. my bag is blue and white.

4. a. what’s her name?

b. what about you?

c. what colour is it?

v. listen and choose the right answers.(答语选择,根据所听到的问题,选择恰当的答语,将其标号填入题前括号内。)

1. a. it’s blue and yellow.

b. it’s tom’s.

c. it’s a new car.

2. a. yes, i am.

b. yes, i do.

c. yes, i h**e.

3. a. no, i don’t.

b. no, i am not.

c. no, i h**en’t.

vi. listen and draw.(把你听到的内容画出来。)

笔试部分。i. read and tick or cross.(判断下列每组单词中划线字母的读音是否一致,用“√”或“×”表示。)

1. ruler run2. blue glue

3. much match4. fall fail

5. wait way6. same side

7. but bit8. tap tape

ii. read and write.(读一读,写一写)。

iii. read and choose.(选择填空。)

1. what colouryour bike?

a. is b. arec. am

2you like fruit?

a. are b. doc. does

3dick like coffee?

a. is b. doesc. do

4you got any *****?

a. do b. h**ec. are

5. her skirtgreen and yellow.

a. is b. amc. are

6. i h**e gotink.

a. a b. anyc. \

iv. look, read and choose.(看图选句,将其标号填入题前括号内。)

1. a. i h**e got a blue bike.

b. i h**e a new book.

2. a. nina likes basketball.

b. nancy likes badminton.

3. a. i h**e got some *****.

b. i h**e got some glue.

4. a. mark likes fries.

b. mary likes fruit.

5. a. sam has a new sweater.

b. susan has a red skirt.

v. read and answer.(按实际情况回答问题)。

1. do you like sports?

2. h**e you got a sweater?

3. what colour is your sweater?

4. do you like tea?


i. listen and choose.(选出你听到的单词,将其标号填入题前括号内。)

(a)1. a. blueb. black c. bake

(c)2. a. sailb. sad c. say

(b)3. a. fanb. fox c. fly

(b)4. a. runb. rain c. ruler

(a)5. a. many b. may c. match

(b)6. a. bake b. ball c. bike

答案:1. blue(a) 2. say(c) 3. fox(b)

4. rain(b) 5. many(a) 6. ball(b)

ii. listen and tick or cross.(判断听到的句子与所给的图是否一致,用“√”或“×”表示。)

原句:1. i h**e a new dictionary.(√

2. h**e you got any glue?(×

3. i h**e some *****.(√

4. mike likes playing football.(×

5. what colour is your sweater?(×

6. i like fruit.(√

iii. listen and number.(按听到的句子顺序编号。)

(2)do you like candy?

(5)what colour is your skirt?

(1)does jane like coffee?

(3)can you help me?

(4)h**e you got any ink?

原句:(1)does jane like coffee?

(2)do you like candy?

(3)can you help me?

(4)h**e you got any ink?

(5)what colour is your skirt?

iv. listen and choose.(选出你听到的句子,将其标号填入题前括号内。)

(c)1. a. h**e you got any *****?

b. h**e you got any ink?

c. h**e you got any glue?

(a)2. a. does mark like playing baseball?

b. does mary like playing basketball?

c. does mary like playing football?


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