
发布 2023-02-02 13:24:28 阅读 7972



一、 听数字组或单词,选出所听到的内容,在对应的括号填写其大写字母编号。(10分)



) 1. there are some___a. clocks b. news)

) 2. i like __flower. (

) 3. i h**e meals___dining hall b. at home)

) 4. look at mya. bedroom )

) 5. i live in a __house. (

) 6. i want to take aa. bus )

) 7. let’s play __here. (

) 8. we __h**e lessons here. (

) 9. there are __treesa. four b. forty )

) 10. i’m good ata. english )





一、 选择最佳的答案写在括号里。(10分)

1. how manyare there in your house?

a. bedroomsb. bedroomc. a bedroom

2. the bed is nextthe desk.

a. onb. toc. in

3. there is a windowthe wall.

a. tob. onc. in

4is the computer?

it’s purple.

a. how manyb. whatc. what colour

5. our schoolthirty-five classrooms.

a. hasb. isc. h**e

6. welcomemy new school.

a. onb. toc. in

7. this isold bedroom.

a. theb. ac. an

8. are therechairs in that living room?

a. anyb. somec. a

9. itthree rooms in the flat.

a. h**eb. hasc. is

10. iin the evening.

a. do the home b. do a homework c. do my homework

七、 根据图意和首字母的提示,补全句子所缺单词。(每空一分,共10分)

1. this is a bb

2. there is a pon the w

3. there atwo cbeside the table.

4. there ia con the table.

5. there is a bbeside the d



1. how many rooms are there in your house?

2. is there a computer in your bedroom?

3. what’s in your desk?

4. where is your school bag now?

5. are there any maps in your house?



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