
发布 2023-02-02 09:20:28 阅读 4920






1、( a、leftb、listenc、light

2、( a、train b、takec、talk

3、( a、station b、supermarket c、soup

4、( a、help b、thingc、see

5、( a、hillb、hungry c、high

6、( a、liveb、seec、interesting

7、( a、eggb、nearc、park

8、( a、chess b、boatc、juice

9、( a、draw b、dragon c、drink

10、( a、road b、rowc、read


1、( a、go straight on, turn right.

b、go straight on, turn left.

c、turn right ,go straight on,.turn left.

2、( a、what are you doing?

b、what are you going to do?

c、what are they doing?

3、( a、she’s playing basketball.

b、he’s playing football.

c、i’m playing table tennis.

4、( a、do you want some noodles?

b、do you want some dumplings?

c、do you want some rice?

5、( a、i can jump high.

b、i can’t run fast.

c、i can jump far.


1.( i do. b、yes, i am. c、.yes, i can.

2.( can dance b、i’m dancing . c、i’m going to dance.

3.( it is. b、yes, i am. c、yes, please.

4.( i am. b、i’m fine. c、i’m five.

5.( evening! b、good morning! c、good afternoon!


)1、this is myamy .

a、sister b、brother c、friend

)2、look at the __on the lake .

a、man b、girls c、people

)3、they’re __a dragon boat .

a、doing b、rowing c、playing

)4、do you want some

a、rice b、noodles c、dumpling

)5、the train is at the

a、school b、station c、supermarket



) 1、a. chinab. beijingc. hainan

( )2、a. busb. trainc. ride

( )3、a. runb. jumpc. cake

( )4、a. niceb. interesting c. chopsticks

( )5、a. oneb. twentyc. point

( )6、a. turn left b. turn rightc. lots of


( )1、where is the park

a、it’s an orange. b、i’m daming. c、it’s near the station.

( )2、she __writing a letter.

a、 am b、is c、are

( )3、he is

a、swim b、swimming c、swiming

( )4、what are you doing

a、i can sing. b、i’m singing. c、i’m going to sing.

) 5、i can

a、run b、running c、runs

) 6、can you make a cake?

a、no, i’m not. b、yes, i can’t. c、yes, i can.

) 7、happy birthday

a、happy birthday! b、thank you. c、you’re welcome.

) 8、do you want some biscuit

a、 yes,i want. b、yes, i do. c、no, thank you.


1、how are youa、i’m watching tv.

2、what are you doingb、i’m five.

3、what is he doingc、i’m fine, thank you.

4、how old are youd、yes, please

5、can you run faste、yes, i can.

6、do you want some ricef、he is singing

四、情景交际,请把正确答案的字母代号填入题前括号内。 (10分。


a. what are you going to do?

b. what are you doing?

c. what are you?


a.turn left!

b. go straight on !

c. let’s get on the bus.


a.do you want some rice?

b. do you want some fish?

c . give me some rice.

4. 当你迷路了你会问?__

a. excuse me .where is the park,please?

b. what colour is it?

c. how many boys?


a. i am very happy.

b. he’s hungry.

c. i am hungry.


today is sunday. it’s sunny. lingling and her friends are playing in the park, she is riding a bike, the bike is red.

amy is flying a kite, it’s a pink and white kite. sam and daming are playing footall under a big tree. they are very happy.

四年级写期中考试的作文 期中考试

期中考试是检验学生半学期所学知识的一次考试,成绩直接反应学生学习的水平。作文频道向大家呈现了四年级写期中考试的作文,希望大家认真阅读 四年级写期中考试的作文 期中考试。星期四的早晨,我来到教室,还是跟往常一样,教室里闹哄哄的。一道钟声响过后,方才还闹哄哄的教室里顿时鸦雀无声。紧张的气氛笼罩着整个教室...


本学期我所任教的班级中,优良率达百分之百,体现了学生较高的整体素质。为了总结经验,扬长避短,更好地组织今后的教学,现对本次的英语期中考试作如下小结 一 考试 现的问题 1.听力部分的失分有所好转,但部分学生仍然失分严重。2.字母书写不够规范。从四年级开始要求学生能听 说 读 写四会字母,规范 漂亮的...


试卷总体分析 一 听力部分 40分 一 听字母或单词选择。二 听句子,排列 顺序。三 听小对话,选择正确的答案,整体来说,听力部分失分较小,得分率较高,大多数学生都能领会录音内容中的关键信息。二 笔试部分 60分 一 默写字母。二 对话匹配。三 选择题。四 根据情境选择,填入括号内。五 阅读短文,判...