2019小学四年级英语学科期中调研试卷 含听力材料

发布 2023-02-02 08:56:28 阅读 8777





) 1. a. monday b. maths c. morning

) 2. a. winter b. window c. white

) 3. a. nine b. time c. fine

) 4. a. lake b. take c. kite

) 5. a. match b. lunch c. chair

) 6. a. easy b. eat c. please

) 7. a. every b. very c. egg

) 8. a. welcome b. come c. colour

) 9. a. goodbye b. good night c. good idea

) 10. a. h**e a look b. h**e a try c. come and look



) 1. a. it’s monday. b. we h**e three. c. match, art and pe.

) 2. a. it’s cool. b. it’s hot. c. yes, it is.

) 3. a. i h**e six. b. she has six. c. he has six.

) 4. a. yes, i can. b. i can skate c. no, it isn’t.

) 5. a. well done. b. good idea. c. yes, i can.

) 6. a. it’s he. b. it’s my bag. c. yes, i am.


1. we h**e alesson onmorning.

2. can youa

3. it isin



( )1. match grape2. me get3. bed pen

) 4. white sit5. that bag



1. it’s星期四) .

2. peter is an e boy. he can’t speak(说) c .

3. mike通常) watches tv after school.

4. look! the花) are beautiful!


1. can you drawthey)?

2. this iswe) timetable.

3. look atthis) trees.

4. helen canhas) dinner with her grandma.

5. let’s goclimb) in the river.


( )1. -how manydo you h**e this term? -six.

a. subject c. subjects

) 2. it’s timemaths. let’s go to the classroom.

a. at c. to

) 3. we don’t h**elessons this saturday.

a. a b. some c. any

) 4. ia cap and mikea cat .

a. h**e; has b. has; h**e c. h**e; h**e

) 5. we will meet mr greenfive.

a. in b. at c. on

) 6. i must (必须)gohome and gobed.

a. /to b. to; to c./;

) 7. -what can you seethe river?

some boats.

a. at b. in c. on

) 8. this is aand those are

a. river; hill b. river; hills c. rivers; hills

) 9. i often flywith my friend.

a. kite b. bike c. kites

) 10jacket is this? -it is my jacket.

a. whose b. who’s c. where

11a nice cake!

a. how b. what c. who

12. we h**e five lessonstuesday.

a. in b. on c. at

13. -can you draw a tiger for me?

it’s difficulti can try.

a. and b. so c. but


) 1. is it mondaya. we h**e science and art.

) 2. what subjects do you like? b. it’s seven.

) 3. can you see a panda? c. pe.

) 4. what lessons do you h**e? d. yes, it is.

) 5. i like singing. e. yes, i can.

) 6. what time is it? f. good idea!

) 7. let’s go and h**e a picnic. g. in the afternoon.

) 8. when do you play football? h. me, too.


1. hello, wang bing2. it’s saturday.

3. we don’t go to school today. let’s go to the park.

4. hello, liu tao. what day is it today?

5. oh! a beautiful kite. 6. good idea. what can you see in the tree?



liu tao: hello,mike. it’s cold. i like skating. let’s go skating.

mike: sorry, i can’t skate.

liu tao: can you swim, mike?

mike: yes, i can. i can swim very well.

liu tao: do you swim in winter?

mike: no. i often swim in summer.

liu tao: i go swimming in winter too. it’s great fun.


一 指导思想。为了加快基础教育课程改革的步伐,提高我县小学英语的教学质量,检查学生实现课程目标的程度,校验和改进学生的英语学习和教师的教学,有效促进学生的发展,根据英语课程标准和小学英语课程基本要求的有关精神,本次检测立足于学生的进步,立足于鼓励成功,主要考查学生的综合语言技能和实际运用语言的能力。...


2012 2013年四年级上册英语教学计划。一 班级情况分析 学生经过一年的学习,有了一定的英语学习基础,大多数学生产生了浓厚的英语学习兴趣,但也有些学生已失去了刚开始的兴趣,出现两极分化现象,还要注重培养学生良好的学习英语的惯。二 教材分析 本节在学生的听说读写上面有了质的飞跃,较以往不同的是,更...


四 课后反思和批改作业方面。每上好一堂课,我都要做适当的工作总结和反思,这样更有助于教学工作的圆满进行,反思学生的问题,更重要的事自己的问题,反思自身在高效课堂中是否发挥了导师即指导和辅导的作用,这样我们才能在高校课堂的浪潮中不断成长进步。学生的作业总是按时及时地批改,并详细地做好批注,对普遍性错误...