
发布 2023-01-31 23:17:28 阅读 4173


1. n _ se a.马f. 米饭6. br _ kf_ st

2. d_ ct r b.**g. 警察7. r _ ce

3. dr _ vc.医生h.面条 l _c _ m_ n

4. d_ ck d. 司机i. 饺子 _ dle

5. h_ se e.鸭子j.早饭 _mpl_ ng


1. 起床2. 吃午饭3.做游戏。



( )1. a. banana b. cook c. farmer d. teacher

( )2. a. pig b. worker c. cow d. hen

( )3. a. breakfast b. lunch c. ship

( )4. a. meat d. fish

( )5. a. games b. morning c. afternoon




6. doesn’t(完全形式。

7. work(名词名词。

9. cow(复数单三。

v. 快乐连线。(5*2=10)

1. what is your fathera. they h**e some toys in the box.

2. who is that man? b. my father is a teacher.

3. when do you get upc. we h**e meat for lunch.

4. what do you h**e in the boxe. i get up at six in the morning.

5. what do you h**e for lunchf. he is my brother.

vi. 做选择,我最棒。(1*20=20)

( )1. i want a cook.

a. be b. to be c. is d. are

( )2. what your mother?

a. be b. about c. do d. does

( )3. what your grandpa and grandma? they farmers.

are b. is is c. are is d. is are

( )4. what do you do the farm?

a. in b. under c. o n d. at

5. there a cat and two dogs in the room.

a. be b. to be c. is d. are

( )6. what’s lunch?

a. on b. in c. for d. at

7. tom a dog.

a. don’t h**e b. doesn’t h**e c. don’t has d. doesn’t has

8. they cows.

a. don’t h**e any b. doesn’t h**e some c. don’t has any

d. doesn’t has some

9. tom up at six in the morning.

a. get b. to get c. gets d. getting

( )10、i go to bed night home.

a. at at b. at in c. in in d. to to

vii. 我是小小社交家。(5*2=10)

1. 如果想问tom的哥哥是干什么工作的,你可以问:

a. what is your brother? b. what do your brother?

c. what does your brother?

2. 想知道lisa的箱子里有什么东西?你可以问:

a. what does lisa h**e in the box? b. what’s in the box?

c. what do lisa h**e in the box?

3. 妈妈正在做晚饭,你想问妈妈晚饭吃什么,你可以问:

a. what’s for breakfast? b. what’s for lunch? c. what’s for supper?

4. 你想知道lisa的爷爷晚上一般几点睡觉?你可以问:

a. what does your grandpa go to bed? b. what’s your grandpa?

c. when does your grandpa go to bed?

5. 妈妈想问你上午上几节课,你可以问:

a. how many subjects do you h**e? b. what subjects do you like?

c. what subjects do you h**e?

viii. 判断下列句子的翻译(部分)或提示部分对(√)错 (×5*2=10)

1. she are a farmer.(使用听诊器。

2. tom h**e a egg for lunch.(鸡蛋和牛奶)

3. i get up in six in the morning.(下午六点)

4. when do she get up?(做游戏)

5. early in bed and early to rise.(晚睡晚起)


a: yes,she is. b.

yes,i do . c. yes,there is.

d. yes,they are. e.

yes,she does.


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