
发布 2023-01-29 02:12:28 阅读 7229




一.listen and circle. 听音并圈出你听到的字母或单词。 (10分)

二.listen and tick. 听音并打钩你所听到的单词( 5分)

三.listen and choose. 听音并选出你听到的序号。 (5分)

1. let’s clean thea. b.

2. i’d like someab.

3. i can clean the . ab

4. my sister hasab.

5. my father likesa. b

四.listen and tick or cross.听音并判断,打上√或×。 10分)

五.listen and number. 听音标号( 共两组,每组5个单词,按听到的单词标出顺序10分)


一.look ,read and write.看图拼写出单词。 (10分)

二。look and choose .看图并选择,对号入座 ( 10分)

三。read and choose.选出不同类型的一项 ( 5分)

4.read and choose. 阅读并选择( 共10分)

( )h**e new schoolbag.

a. ab. anc. the

) has english book?

a. ab. anc. the

)3books do you h**e?

a. whereb. how muchc. how many

)4. is your ruler?

a. what b. whoc. what colour

) i a look?

a. hasb. isc. h**e

)6. i h**e math book , notebook and english book .

a. a an a b. a a anc .an a a

) are 15 in the bag.

a. penb. a penc. pens

)8. how many do you h**e ?

a. english books b. english c. english book

)9. -what’s in your pencil-case?

a. two rulers and a pen. b. it`s a math book. c. a bag.

)10is the pen?

--it’s 5 yuan.

a. whatb. how much c. how many


sarah: i h**e a new schoolbag.

chen jie: really? what colour is it?

sarah: it's black and white.

chen jie: may i h**e a look?

sarah: sure, here you are.

chen jie: how nice! it's a panda.

look, i h**e a schoolbag, too. sarah: what's in it?

chen jie: look! 20 story-books, 30 crayons, 12 erasers.

sarah: wow!

) 1. sarah has a new schoolbag.

) 2. sarah's schoolbag is red and yellow.

) 3. sarah's schoolbag is he**y.

) 4. chen jie has a schoolbag, too.

) 5. chen jie has twelve story-books, thirteen crayons, twenty erasers.


look! this is my new schoolbag. it’s big.

it’s blue and white. i h**e an english book, a chinese book, a math book, three notebooks and a pencil-case in it. in my pencil-case ,you can see a ruler, two pens, seven pencils and a sharpener.

oh, where is my schoolbag? it’s on my chair.

) schoolbag is small.

) h**e three chinese books.

) pencil-case is in my schoolbag .

) are six pencils in the pencil-case.

) schoolbag is on the chair.


2014 2015学年第二学期期末试卷。一,给下列的词语注音。绽放悲伤神奇。二,给下列形近字组词。贴捧 沾棒 热较 垫校 三,写出下列拼音的汉字。b jl ng f ij ng x n 四,选择字组词。元员园圆原远。公队十。果永来。五,完成填空。爱释语 伦 栩如漫 经 六,扩写句子。例 开运动会。我...


2014 2015学年第二学期期末试卷。一,给下列的词语注音。可怜排列讨厌。二,给下列形近字组词。具钱 真浅 到快 倒缺 三,写出下列拼音的汉字。m ng r nt dx ch w ng w i四,选择字组词。元员园圆原远。公队十。果永来。五,完成填空。世世喜出聚精上门 精神不好大概 争先。六,模仿...


一 基础知识。1 看拼音写汉字 10分 ji ng t i p s y n f t o zu j ng p i zh ng i s o mi o x n hu ku i ji t sh 2 给加点的字注音 4分 惬意领域牲畜炫耀 岔路纤细顷刻间 惊愕 3 在括号里选正确的字,画上 4分 带代 领 在...