
发布 2020-09-30 10:03:28 阅读 1647











人称代词主格) 反义词)3. they(人称代词宾格) are(缩写形式)对应词)6. girl(对应词)三.猜猜他是谁?(10分)

is myfather’s fatherhe is is my father’smothershe is is my aunt’s sonhe is is my father’s brotherhe is my father’s wife(妻子). she is my四.选出不同类地一项。(10分)

1.()a, bob b, ann c, sam d, smith 2.()a, his b, her c, my d, they3.

()a, me b, her c, she d, him 4.()a, linda b, dad c,mum d, sister5.()a, doctor b, father c, pupil d, teacher五,情景选择。


1. (当你想问那个人是谁时,会说:

that? b .who’ s this? s that? this?2.( 当想向别人介绍你地婶婶时,你会说:

is my aunt . b .this is my uncle.

is my father . is my cousin3. (当想向别人介绍你地婶婶地儿子时,你会说:

is my aunt. c. this is cousin bthis is my cousin.

is my aunt’s cousin.4. (当你想向别人介绍你地爸爸地爸爸时,你会说:

is my dad b .this is my father c. this is my grandpa d.

this is my grandma5. (如果你向别人介绍你爸爸是老师,你会说:

a teacher b .my father is a teacher c. this is a teacher dad a teacher6.


a. i love my father. b .

my father loves me c. i love my father. my father loves me too.

d. i love my dad loves i .六.连线。


what is your name?he is a doctor.②what is your mother’s name?

he is a pupil.③what is your father’s name?my name is linda.

④what is your cousinher name is ann.⑤what is your unclehis name is bob.第二组。

who is this?that is my grandma.②who is hethis is a dog .

③who is that?she is ann.④who is she?

he is my grandpa.⑤what is thisthis is lishan.七。


1. at look picture the family my of2. my family uncle’s to come see3.

dad my mum are they and4. cousin boy this is my5. are they who八.阅读判断,对地打√,错地打х.


look at the picture of my family. this is my father bob smith. he is a teacher .

this is my mum ann is tall. this is my uncle sam smith . he is a doctor .

this is my aunt, nancy smith. this boy is my cousin. hisname is billy.

he is nine.1. (my father is a doctor.

2. (my cousin is 9 years old.3.

(my mother’s name is ann smith.4. (my uncle is a teacher.

5. (sam smith is my uncle.


腰站中心小学四年级月考试题。一 选择正确的字母组合补全下列单词。10 新课标第一网。ou ar ai ur teen fif 十五 p ple 紫色的 h se房屋。superm ket 超市 tr n火车 二 用线将左边的英语和右边相对应的汉语句子连起来。5 i m the winner车站在 w...


四年英语月考试题听力部分 30分 一 听录音,选出你所听到的单词的汉语意思。10分 1.a.中国b.加拿大c.香蕉2.a.教师b.农民c.父亲3.a.班级b.年级c.司机4.a.彼得b.警察c.邮递员5.a.十三b.十四c.十五。二 听录音,按所听顺序给下列句子排序 10分 1.what s you...


2016 2017学年第一学期四年级语文学科第一次集中练习题。一 看拼音,写词语。l ng zh ogu lj n y ns u su ng sh u d ng w ng q t u b ng j nh o b k x 二 辨字组词语。沸贯梢烂 拂惯稍拦 三 写出下列词语的反义词。光滑新鲜茂盛狭窄。...