
发布 2023-01-24 18:14:28 阅读 1980



1. 书包2. 数学书3. 英语书___4. 语文书。

5. 故事书6. 笔记本 __7. 糖果8. 玩具。

9. 钥匙10. 头发11. 朋友12. 鞋。

13. 房间 __14. 眼镜15. 教室16. 窗户。

17. 书桌18. 门 __19. 椅子 __20. 床。

21. 面包 __22. 牛奶23. 果汁24. 面包。

25. 米饭 __26. 牛肉 __27. 鸡肉28. 鱼。

29. 姐妹30. 小弟弟31. 叔叔32. 婶婶 __

33. 司机34. 医生35. 农民36. ** __

37.黑板38. 电灯39. 图画40. 计算机___

41. 风扇42. 墙壁43. 沙发44.冰箱。

45. **46. 客厅47. 卧室48. 浴室。

49.厨房50. 书房51. 筷子52. 碗。

53. 餐叉54. 刀55. 勺56. 父母。

57. 同辈表亲58. 厨师59,蔬菜。

60. 面条61. 强壮62. 友好的63. 安静的___


1. what’s in your书包)?

look! a数学书), two玩具), three钥匙),a笔记本)and many糖果).

2. amy and chen jie are good朋友).

3. wu yifan is __叔叔). he is a厨师).

4. we h**e 23故事书)in our class.

5. miss white is a**).

6. my __房间) is big. there is a客厅), a __卧室), a __浴室),a __厨房)and a __书房).

i like it very much.

7. what would you like for breakfast? i’d like an __面条), some __面包)and some __牛奶).

8. what would you like for dinner? i’d like some __牛肉) and some __汤).

9. we h**e 2窗户)in our教室).

10. this is my家)。

11. open the门), please.

12. can i h**e some蔬菜),please?

13. what would you like for lunch? i’d like some __米饭)and __鸡肉).

14. what’s your妈妈)? she’s a**).

15. this is my爸爸)? he’s a农民).

16. who’s this __女孩)? she’s my妹妹).

17. is this your弟弟)? no, he isn’t.

18. my aunt is a医生). my uncle is a司机).


1. q__ t2. dr__ v3. ph __n__

4. gl__ s5. fr__ nd6. st __d__

7. st__ d __nt8. br __d9. d__ct__

10. _c __e 11. r__ c12. m__lk

13. ch__ck__n14. k__y15. ch__


一)this are they?

c: is this your mother? d: how many people are there in your family?

e: he’s a doctor.

a: this is my family photo. b

a: nineb

a: he’s my fatherb: what’s your father?

aba:yes,she is .she’s a

a:they are my grandpa and grand ma. b:they look young.

二)a: what’s your sister’s jobb: is this the kitchen

c: how many people are there in your family?

d: are they on the table? e: what would you like for breakfast?

a: good morning, john. welcome to my home!

b: wow, it’s so big

a: there are four. look ,my parents, my sister and me.

ba :she’s a teacher..

ba: yes, it is

b: i’d like some vegetables and noodles.

a: here you are. your noodles.

b:thank you. where are the chopsticks?

ab: no! look, they are under the plate.

三)a: what’s in itb: what colour is it?

c: may i h**e a lookd: where is it?

e: is this a story book?

a:hello, i h**e a schoolbag.

ba: it’s blue.

ba: it’s on the chair.

ba: two pencil-cases, a ruler, many books.

ba: yes,it is .

ab: sure, here you are.


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