
发布 2023-02-03 10:08:28 阅读 6220


1. a pet养宠物listen to听pop songs流行歌曲after school放学后in the evening在傍晚in the afternoon在下午watch tv看电视on weekends在周末go fishing去钓鱼。


look well看上去健康。

新的library图书馆way路,the left在左边computer lab计算机室look for寻找drive on行驶;继续开。

5. day五一国际劳动节visit friends看望朋友plant trees种树at night在夜里working people劳动者all over遍及;到处hold a party举行聚会new year’s day新年6.wire电线swim游泳talk说话skate滑冰;溜冰thin薄的;瘦的ice冰push推car park停车场reading room阅览室fly a kite放风筝walk the dog遛狗。

7.floor地板flower花fix修理left遗忘wet把…弄湿forget忘记happen发生,碰巧vase花瓶lost the key丢了钥匙toy car玩具小汽车。


turtle海龟folk music民间**classical music古典**country music乡村**make model planes制作飞机模型go roller-skating去滑旱冰2. a fever发烧take a blood test做血液测试take some pills吃一些药get well恢复健康runny nose流鼻涕sore throat喉咙痛take an x-ray拍x光片take it easy放轻松;别紧张。


restaurant饭店gas station加油站turn left左拐fire station消防站post office邮局car park停车场right beside正好在…旁边right behind正好在…后面police station警察局5.celebrate庆祝special特别的;专门的labour day劳动节the great wall长城world earth day世界地球日tree-planting day植树节women’s day妇女节。

children’s day儿童节national day国庆节puppet show木偶剧dragon boat festival端午节chinese calendar中国农历dragon boat race赛龙舟lantern show灯展pick up litter捡垃圾go to cinemas去电影院amusement park游乐园science museum科学博物馆。

6.safe安全的safety安全dangerous危险的enough足够的thick厚的,粗的be careful当心。

at the square在广场fall into the water落下水get warm变暖watch out当心。

walkslowly慢慢地走steponone’sfoot踩到某人的脚pickflowers采花nopushing不要推no littering禁止乱扔垃圾cross the street过马路go roller-skating去滑旱冰get hit by car被车撞fall and hurt oneself跌倒,伤了自己in the crowd在人群中7.worry担心;烦恼upset心烦的;苦恼的never从不drop使降落,是落下。

playground操场break—broke打破spill the milk牛奶洒了kick the ball踢球hit somebody on one’s way home在回家的路上撞到了人。


1.(1)do you like music?yes, i listen to all kinds of music. (yes, i do. /no, i don’t.)


/不,我不喜欢。)(2)do you keep a cat?no, i don’t keep a cat.

i like dogs. (yes, i do./no, i don’t.


(是的,我喜欢。/不,我不喜欢。)(3)what do you like to do after school?

i like to watch tv.你放学后喜欢做什么?我喜欢看电视。

5.(1) what are you going to do on may day?we are going to visit friends.劳动节你打算做什么?

我们打算去看望朋友。(2) what do you do on new year’s day?we hold a party on this day.

你们在新年时做什么?我们在这一天举行聚会。6.don’t play in the car park.

别在停车场玩儿。no, i won’t.我不会的。

7.(1) you look sad. what’s the matter?i lost the key to my bike.


(2) what happened to the floor?i’m sorry lala wetted it.地板怎么了?



like country music best.我最喜欢乡村**。2.

(1)what’s wrong with you?i h**e a headache.你怎么了?


2)what’s the matter with you?my right leg hurts.

你怎么了?我的右腿痛。(3)does he h**e the flu?i’m afraid so.他得了流感了吗?恐怕是。

3.(1) where is the new library?it’s in that building over there.新图书馆在哪儿?它在那边的那栋楼。

2) where can i find building no.5?it’s right beside the grey building.


3) can you tell me the way to the gas station?你能告诉我去加油站的路吗?please drive on first, and then turn left at the first corner.

请先继续往前开,然后在第一个拐弯处左拐。5.what’s special about this day?in many place people eatzongzi.


6.(1) can i skate here?i’m afraid not. you may fall into the water.


2) please don’t fly your kite not?it’s not safe. (it’s dangerous.


(这里危险。)7.i’m sorry,i broke maomao’s toy all right. (never mind.



四年级英语上册单词拼写练习题。一 根据中文写英文。1.书包2.数学书3.英语书 4.语文书。5.故事书6.笔记本 7.糖果8.玩具。9.钥匙10.头发11.朋友12.鞋。13.房间 14.眼镜15.教室16.窗户。17.书桌18.门 19.椅子 20.床。21.面包 22.牛奶23.果汁24.面包。...


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