
发布 2023-01-18 22:25:28 阅读 8157


2012-06-04 17:30:38| 分类: 默认分类 | 标签: |字号大中小订阅。


一、 英汉互译。

1.在我的卧室里:in my bedroom 2.在墙上:on the wall

3.在客厅里:in the livingroom 4.在书桌上:on the desk

5.在书桌里:in the desk 6.在床上:on the bed

7.在厨房里:in the kitchen 8.在桌子上:on the table

9.在盒子里:in the box10.在铅笔盒里:in the pencil-box

1.唱歌和跳舞:singing and dancing 2.游泳和滑冰:swimming and skating

3.一个新铅笔盒:a new pencil-box 4.一把长尺:a long ruler

5.一张大床:a big bed6.一个小茶杯:a small cup

7.数学课:maths class8.滑板:skateboarding

9.练习本 :exercise book10.喜欢英语:like english

1. 20个女孩:twenty girls2. 30个男孩:thirty boys

3.起床:get up4.吃午饭:h**e lunch

5.数学课:maths class6.去睡觉:go to bed

the table:在桌子上 tv:看电视。

the bedroom:在卧室里文具盒。

fries:法国薯条 2. h**e lunch:吃午饭。

3. apple juice:苹果汁 4. orange juice:橘子汁。

5. small pizza :一些比萨 6. meat and vegetables:肉和蔬菜。

7. maths class:数学课 8. english class:英语课。

9. wake up:起床 10. get up:起床。

1. **课:music class 2.美术课:art class

3.数学和体育:maths and pe 4.英语书:english book

5. 听和做:listen and do 6. 32个男孩:thirty boys

7. 23个女孩:twenty-three girls8. 玩和演:play and act

the bedroom:在卧室里2. on the table:在桌子上。

3. do some housework:做一些家庭作业4. watch tv:看电视。

breakfast:吃早饭 your face:洗你的脸。

7. 起床:get up8. 热狗:hot dog

9. 数学课:maths class 10. 吃午餐:h**e lunch

11. 去睡觉:go to bed 12. 说和唱:spake and sing

1. 一本英语书:an english book 2.一个练习本:a exercise book

5. 长城:the grate wall 6.洗脸:wash face

7.刷牙:brush teeth 8.乘长途汽车:by bus

9.骑自行车:by bike 10.吃早餐:h**e breakfast

11.吃午餐:h**e lunch 12.吃晚餐:h**e dinner


like to go on the merry-go-round.

coster car

are these? they are cranes.

3. today is monday.

like singing.

5. what would you like? i’d like apples.

good at drawing.

2,what’s this? it’s a notebook.

book book book

time for science.

like eggs.

usually go to the zoo on sunday.

6. there is a sofa in the bedroom.


my village

hello! i’m ling ling. i live in a village.

it’s small but beautiful. look! that is my house.

there are some trees and beautiful flowers near it. there’s a river around the house. there are many ducks in the river.

and you can see some boats on the river, too. oh, how beautiful! i love my village.

a:判断 (正确的写“t”,错误的写“f”)

1. ling ling lives in a city. (f )

2. the village is beautiful (t )

are many rivers near the house. (f )

4. there are many people in the river. (f)

5. we can see some boats on the river. (t)


b)1. the village is a. big b. small

a)2. i my village. a. love b. dislike

a)3. there are some near my house. a. trees b. buildings

b)4. there is a around the round. a. lake b. river.

a)5. there are many in the river. a. ducks b. geese

a)6. we can see some on the river, too. a. boats b. ships

a) ling ling live in a village?

a. yes, she does. b. no, she does n’t.

a)8. is the village beautiful? a. yes, it is. b. no, it is n’t.

a)9. is there a river around the house?

a. yes, there is. b. no, there is n’t.


一.判断下列单词画线部分读音是否相同,相同画 √ 不同画 ×

pear (x) book (x)

dress (v) cap (x)

panda (x) cup (x)

doll (v) big (x)

please (x) short (v)

1. hot orange (v) potato (v)

3. dog home (v) tomato (x)

5. short shirt (x) 6. milk chinese (v)

7. eleven desk (x) 8. beef sleep (v)

day (v) day (x)

come (v) monday (x)

book (v) shoes (v)

saturday (v) f**ourite (x)

wednesday (v) student (v)


zh ji ng w xi ku s n y ng j y u t ng h ng y s hu shu p ng r j ng x ng t i w n qi n li n mi n b du n t w s n y w i ch p sh c i f h o m l w i b di n hu ...


第一单元。一 读准字音。红叶似 s 火似 sh 的画卷 ju n 龙卷 ju n 风山涧 ji n 饮 y n 马饮 y n 料重重 ch ng 叠叠重 zh ng 量。二 形近字组词。潭 潭水 谙 谙熟 澜 波澜壮阔 绵 绵延 稍 稍微 谭 天方夜谭 暗 黑暗 斓 色彩斑斓 锦 锦缎 捎 捎带 瑕...


一 比一比组词。侮悄肖阁闪被初 海销稍阅闲补衬 敏俏销间闷褴衫 悔哨霄问闭袖裙 诲消宵闯闻袜袄 扁兼区贱噪鬼丑 翩赚枢浅澡愧忸 遍谦抠线燥槐扭 编歉鸥残操魄纽 骗廉欧钱躁魂扭 奖吨蹭捕抑粽墓 桨纯憎哺仰综暮 浆钝增辅迎宗慕 将顿曾铺柳棕幕 莫昔辰尤假福某 摸错震优瑕辐谋 模借振忧暇副煤 漠措晨犹遐幅...