
发布 2023-01-18 19:58:28 阅读 7016




1 en__u___h(足够的) 2__ar__f__ 小心的) 3. m__tt__ r(麻烦事) 4. und__rst___nd(明白) 5.

th__s__(那些) 6. h__ r(小时) 7. w__nd__rf__l (令人惊奇的) 8.

f__n__sh (吃完) 9. w__ r(穿)10. cl__ n(干净的)


1 长城2分发3二瓶牛奶4购物单5 快点6. make a list7 the british museum8 don`t argue9 come from10. take a photo of his father


a. 写出下列单词的过去式:

1. see___2. eat___3. meet___4. run___5. drop___

6. live___7. buy___8. study___9. take___10. come___

b. 写出下列单词的复数:

1. box___2. class___3. watch___4. city___5. child___


1. i (名称性物主代词)__2. we (宾格)__3. he (形容性物主代词)__4. we (名词性物主代词)__5 they (形容性物主代词)__


)1. a. dog b. box c. no d. fox

)2. a. cat b. apple c. back d. take

)3. a. letter b. every c. chinese d. hen

)4. a. duck b. cute c. hurry d. mum

)5 a. know b. now c. flower d. house

) river b. rabbit c. this d. kite

)7. a. rice b. give c. line d. bike

)8 a. enough b. kilo c. those d. hello

)9. a. cake b. plane c. bag d. name

)10. a. tall b. balloon d. matter


)1. there___a teacher in the classa. are b. be c. is

)2. there___too much milk in the glass a. be b. are c. aren`td. is

)3. —are there enough pencils

a. yes , there aren`t b . no , there aren`t c. yes ,there is d. no, there are

)4. we`ve got enough __everyone a. to b. forc. ind. of

)5. yesterday i___my ice cream . a. droped b. drops c. dropped d. drop

)6. how many __do you want ? a. rice b. cheese c. mangoes d meat

)7. _did you do yesterday ? a. whereb. howc. what d. whose

)8 —where is your t—shirt ? oh , it`s __the line . a. at b. in c. on d. for

)9. this sweater is __a. my b. me c. mine d. i

)10.—whose book is this ? it`s __a. amy b. amys` c. amy`s d. amys

)11. —they meet their friends ? yes , they dida. did b. do c. will d. are

)12. the bus didn`t wait __us . so we went home on foota. to b. of c. for d. in

)13. this bag isn`tmaybe(可能)it`s___

a. your , her b. yours , her c. yours , hers d. your , hers

)14. how much __do you want ? a. bread b. oranges c. bananas d. pears

)15. —did you buy things ? yesterday.

a. what b. when c. where d. whose

)16. —sweater is this ? it`s lingling`s

a. what b. whose c. when d. where

)17. —where did lingling go ? she___to the london eye

a. goesb. go c. went d. going

)18. —you like cheese ? no , i don`t a. are b. did c. dod. does

) lots of places last visited b. visit c. visiting d. visits

)20. i go to school __car . she goes to school __foot

a. by ,.on b. by , by c. on , on d. on , by


1. miss wang is我们的) teacher .2 sam __有)a new bike 3有)ten pens on the desk 4.

—is this sweater你的)?

yes它) is . 5 i want to buy两瓶果汁)


)1. do you like bananas ? a . we went to school

)2. how are you ? b. three kilos

)3. can you read the book to me ? c. it`s daming`s

)4. how did you go to the british museum d. we played basketball

)5. how much rice do you want ? e. no , i didn`t

)6. whose bag is this ? f. two , please.

)7. where did you go ? g. by plane

)8. how many eggs do you want ? h. yes , i do

)9. did you buy ice creams ? i. yes , i can

)10. what did you do at the weekend ? j . i`m fine , thanks .


1. how do you go to school

2. what did you do last weekend

3. where did you go yesterday

4. what`s your f**ourite food

5. when did you go to bed last night


1. are , enough , bags , there , in , the , classroom

2. how , you , do , much , need , milk

3. last , i , books , read , night

4. bag , is , whose , this

5. many , cakes , want , how , you , do


1. i like bananas (改为一般疑问句like bananas ?

2. —does lingling like milk ? no做否定回答)

3. i want half a kilo of cheese (对划线部分提问cheese do you want ?

4. they went there by car(对划线部分提问they __there ?

5. daming went to the british museum(对划线部分提问daming __

十。一、阅读理解,判断对错。(对的写“ t ”,错的写“f ”)2x5=10分)

ann`s bedroom is not very small. it`s big. a tv set(一台电视)is in the room.

it is on the table . there are some red flowers on it ,too. we can see a picture of trees on the wall.

there is a blouse , a skirt and a light green coat on the bed. her shoes are under the bed. a desk is near the window.

on the desk is a clock. it is 7:00 o`clock..

it`s time to go to school. but where is ann`s schoolbag ? oh , it`s on the chair.

now ann is putting on her shoes.

)1. we can see a dress , a coat and a sweater on the bed.

) 2. ann`s shoes are behind the door

)3. there is a tv set in the big bedroom

)4. ann goes to school at 7 : 15

)5 . a clock is on the desk and a picture of trees is on the wall.


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