
发布 2023-01-18 16:48:28 阅读 2834


一、 听音, 选出与你所听到的单词属于同一类的选项。

)1. nice voice worse

)2. take think speak

)3. bad hide wide

)4. young strong down

)5. naughty bought house

二、 听音, 判断。

6. amy has got a cold.

7. shanshan will read books.

) 8. robots will make cakes.

) 9. daming is taller than sam.

) 10. big ben is very old. and it’s very tall.

三、听音, 选择句子。

( )11. a. he has got a fever. b. he’s very clever.

)12. a. london is the capital of england.

b. london is a big city.

)13. a. will you go to the park tomorrow?

b. did you go to the park yesterday?.

)14. a. amy is thinner than daming.

b. amy is older than daming.

)15. a. now they are strong. b. they were young then.

四、判断句子与所听内容是否相符, 相符的写“t”, 不相符的写“f”。

) 16. i h**e a new teacher.

) 17. lucy is from america.

) 18. washington is in the west.

) 19. i am shorter than lucy.

) 20. we’ll go swimming tomorrow.

五、 判断画线部分发音是否相同, 若同打“√”不同打“×”

) 21. a. cool b. who22. a. south b. weather

)23. a. fever b. help24. a. right b. little

) 25. a. bad b. saturday

六、 按要求写出下列各词。

26. small (比较级28. she will (缩写形式)__

29. book (复数27. rain (形容词形式)__

30. you (形容词性物主代词)__

七、 选出不同类的一项。

) 31. b. north c. this

期末检测。 ) 32. a. today b. monday c. sunday

) 33. a. jump b. old c. run

) 34. a. long b. weather c. wide

) 35. a. better b. worse c. robot

八、 选择。

) 36. i will __my mother tomorrow.

a. help b. helps c. helped

) 37. lingling __a headache yesterday.

a. had b. h**e c. has

) 38. zhang peng is __than me.

a. tall b. stronger c. strong

) 39. -was she tall then? -no, she __

a. was b. didn’t c. wasn’t

) 40. we’ ll play volleyball __saturday.

a. for b. in c. on

九、 根据汉语意思完成句子。

41. her __父亲)will cook noodles for dinner.

watermelon is very __大).

43. will it be热的)tomorrow ?

44. mr zhao is an英语)teacher.

45谁)are they? -they are my parents.

十、 为问句选择合适的答语。

46. what music do you i did.

47. what did you do last sundayb. i like pop music.

48. what will your sister doc. it’s in the south.

49. did you clean your roomd. she will watch tv.

50. where is guangxie. i went to the park.

十一、 按要求完成下列各题。

51. he played the piano yesterday. (变一般疑问句)

he play the piano yesterday?

52. were they in hefei then? (做否定回答they __

53. i will visit my grandma. (就划线部分提问)

what will you

54. that is a book. (变复数句。

55. 昨天你煮鱼了吗?(翻译)

time flies.


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