
发布 2023-01-18 16:45:28 阅读 1492






1,can i h**e a new cap.

2,please show me you clothes .3,i’m am tall and thin , too .4,look at my!

5,it h**e long ears and a short tail .6,look at elephant!7,where is my jeans?

8,can we h**e look at those shoes , please?

9,can i look at the an orange vest and the red skirt?10,can i try on it?

11,lisa,this is for your!

12,how’s the weater today?13,shall we go swiming?14,let’s play the football .

15,let’s play wiht my kite .三,阅读。

my name is tom. i’m a student. my school is not very big , but very beautiful.

look, this is my classroom. it’svery bright. there is a computer on the teacher’s desk.

there are 46 students in my class. 22 girls and 24boys . my school has two libraries.

the big one is for the students. the small one is for the teachers. there’sa big playground in the school .

i like to play football there . i like my school very much.1.

tom’s school is very big and beautiful.( 2. tom’s classroom is very bright.

( 3. there’s a computer in the classroom.( are twenty-four girls in tom’s class.

( 5. the big library is for the teachers.(

6. tom can play football.( 7. tom likes his school.(


学校姓名。一 填空。除以25,商是要想没有余数,被除数最少应增加。2 把 6 10合并成一道综合算式是。3 从直线外一点到这条直线所画的叫做这点到这条直线的距离。4 小明上楼,每上一层楼需要20秒,那么以这样的速度,从1楼到5楼需要 秒。5 用 和0 这五个不同的数组成最大的五位数是组成最小的五位数...


一 填空 17分 1 上午9时整,时针和分针组成了 角。上午12时整,时针和分针组成了 角。2 一个星期是 天 一个月至少有 个星期,平年一年有 天,闰年一年有 天,有 个星期。里最多有 个52。594是18的 倍。312的16倍是 分 时 20秒 分 1日 时。5 红领巾有三个角,其中有1个 2个...


一 填空。6分 1.本学期,在开展综合性学习活动中,我读了 等童话故事,其中,我最喜欢谁 因为。2.我还通过的方式了解了名人谁 的成长故事。二 选词填空 幸运幸福。1.小钱是 的,两岸骨肉同胞用爱心架起的跨越海峡的生命桥使小钱再次拥有了。的生活。不仅还只要就因为所以。2.走搭石的人们,发现哪块石头不...