
发布 2023-01-06 13:27:28 阅读 4558



第一题、听句子,选出句中所包含的信息,并将其字母标号a、b or c写在前面的括号内,每小题读两遍。

number one. on sunday morning, mary helped her mother clean the room..

number two. last month the greens went to the zoo.

number three. what do you think of the jacket?

number you tell me how to make tomato soup?

number five. half of the students in our class go to school by bus.

number are many differences between china and america.

number didn’t get wet because we brought our raincoats and umbrella.

number h**e few bananas and and buy some.

number am stressed out at the serious moment.

number ten. internet help us know a lot of news about the world.

第二题。听句子,选出恰当的答语,并将其字母标号a、b or c写在前面的括号内,每个句子读两遍。

number eleven. please do the same things as me.

number twelve. can you get more information about it?

number thirteen. what will happen if i’m late?

number fourteen. who is more outgoing, lily or lucy?

number fifteen. how often does your mother watch tv?

number sixteen. what do you think of the english study center?

number and where did you buy the pair of trousers?

number there be more pollution in the future?

number do you think guangming theater is the best one in the city?

number twenty. what’s the weather like in shexian,hebei in winter?

第三题。听对话和问题,选出问题正确答语,并将其字母标号a、b or c写在前面的括号内,每组对话和问题各读两遍。

number twenty-one. w:can you come to my birthday party the day after tomorrow?

m:sure, i’d love to. what’s the date today,alice?

w:it’s febrary the 26th friday.

question:when is alice’s birday?

number twenty-two. m:hello,kay. can you come and play tennis with me now?.

w: sorry, i h**e to look after my sister. but i’ m free this afternoon.

m: ok. let’s meet at the school gate at two o’clock.

question:where are they meeting?

number twenty-three. w:tom, it’s time for supper. do you like salad?

m:of course i do

w:great . let’s make fruit salad.

m:good idea! how many strawberries do we need?

w: let me see. one bowl.

m:only one?

w: yes , that’s right.

m:how many apples do we need?

w: oh, we need three.

m: do we need bananas?

w: yes, we need three bananas.

m: all right.

question:what fruits do they need?

number twenty-four: w:what’s your new year’s resolution,john?

m:to take more acting lessons. i want to be an actor. what about you,anna

w:to improve my english.

m: how will you do that?

w: i want to do more reading and writing.

m:we must be successful.

question:how does anna improve her english?

number twenty-five. m:do you often go to the moves?

w:no, i don’t.


w: because there is no theater in our town.

m: do you often watch tv?

w: no, i don’t. we h**e no time on weekdays.

m: do you watch tv on saturday and sunday?

w; of course, i often watch late.

question:when does the girl watch tv?

第四题、听短文,根据短文内容选出正确选项,并将其字母标号a、b or c 写在前面的括号内,短文读两遍 。

dear anna.

thanks a lot for your invitation. but i’m sorry i can’t go to visit your home on the weekend, because i h**e a lot of work to do. on saturday morning i h**e to help my mother do housework.

on saturday afternoon i’m going to my cousin john’s birthday party. on satuerday evening i’m going to watch a soccer game on tv. on sunday morning i’m going to look after my grandmother in the hospital.

and then in the afternoon i h**e to prepare for a math exam. can you come over to my house next sunday? i h**e some new cds.

i’m sure you’ll like them. we can watch them together.

write soon.



一、(1-10)aabbb bcbbc

二、(11-20)cbcaa acbbc


四、(26-30) housework party evening after 30. prepare for



b:disagrees;impossible;educational. the most hard working;discussion

六、(41-55)cabac dcbbd ccacc

七、(56-65)bbcdb bcacb

八、(66——85)aaabd bdcbb cadcc



83. exercise for 30 minuetes a day, three or four times a week.

84. (you should dink)a cup of milk before sleeping.

85. please call healthy line at 180-1313




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