英语八年级上Unit4重点短语和句子 答案

发布 2022-12-29 22:14:28 阅读 2957

短语:1.最好的影剧院the best movie theater

2.舒服的座位。comfortable seats

3.坐…的座位take/h**e one's seats

4.大屏幕big screens

5.电脑屏幕computer screens

6.最好的声音best sound

7.离家近be close to home

8.买票快buy tickets quickly

9.有最短的等候时间h**e the shortest waiting time

10.有最舒服的座位h**e the most comfortable seats

11.最差的商店/**the worst store/ music

12.买衣服最便宜buy clothes the most cheaply

13.选择歌曲最认真choose songs the most carefully

选择做某事choose to do sth

14.到目前为止so far

15.认识周围的路know my way around

16.买最新鲜的食品buy the freshest food

17.最新的电影院the newest cinema

18.坐地最舒服sit the most comfortably

19.因为…而感谢thanks for doing

20.没问题no problem

21.买票最快buy tickets the most quickly

22.最差的服务the worst service

23.好/差的服务good/ friendly/bad service

24.有仅仅10道菜h**e only ten dishes

25.一天三餐three meals a day

26.相当好pretty good

27.最好的表演者the best performer

28.最有才的人the most talented person


get more and more popular

30.类似的表演similar show

31.越多,越好the more,the better

32.有共同点h**e one thing in common

33.寻找最好的歌手look for the best singers


the most exciting magicians

35.最滑稽的演员the funniest actors

36.唱得最美sing the most beautifully

37.取决于你be up to you


play a role in doing

39.得丰厚的奖金get a good prize...

40.编故事make up a story


42.挤满了be crowded with

43.例如 for example

44.十分钟的汽车车程 ten minutes by bus

45.表演的好 act well


it's said that /it's reported that

47.全世界around the world

48.获一等奖win first prize /place


give sb a way to do sth

句子:1.城里最好的电影院是什么? what's the best movie theater in town?

2.我认为这家电影院有最舒服的座椅。i think the movie theater has the most comfortable seats.

3.我们学校离家近。our school is close to home.

world有最短的等候时间。movie world had the shortest waiting time.

英语八上 unit 4重点短语和句子(2)

5.你可以最快的买到票。you can buy tickets the mast quickly.

6.你怎样选择去一家电影院? how do you choose a movie theater to go to?

7.城里最差的服装店是哪一家?which is the worst clthes store in town?

8.你可以在那最便宜的买到农服。you can buy clothes the most

9.他们**最无聊的歌曲。they play the most boring songs.

10.那些**主持人最认真选歌。the djs choose songs the most carefully.

11.到目前为止,你认为它怎么样? how do you like it so far?

12.如果你想买到做新鲜的食物,请到米勒超市来。if you want to buy the freshest food,please come to miller's.

13.你可以最舒服的坐着因为他们有最大的座位。you can sithe most comfortably because they h**e the bigest seats.

14.谢谢你告诉我。thanks for telling me.


英语八上 unit 4重点短语和句子 1 短语 1.最好的影剧院。2.舒服的座位3.坐 的座位。4.大屏幕。5.电脑屏幕。6.最好的声音。7.离家近。8.买票快。9.有最短的等候时间 10.有最舒服的座位11.最差的商店 12.买衣服最便宜 13.选择歌曲最认真选择做某事。14.到目前为止。15.认...


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