英语八年级上Unit5重点短语和句子 答案

发布 2022-12-29 22:13:28 阅读 2391

短语:1.看肥皂剧/情景喜剧 watch soap operas/ sitcoms

2.查明,弄清 find out

3.进行关于新闻节目的讨论h**e a discussion about news


mind doing sth./ make up one's mind to do sth

5.不能忍受(某人)做sth can't stand(sb.)doing sth.

6.一本有教育意义的喜剧片 an educational comedy

7.计划做某事 plan to do sth.=make a plan to do sth.


want/ hope/expect to be/become a reporter

碰巧做sth to do sth

10.期待从…当中学到很多 expect to learn a lot from…

11.讲一个简单的笑话 tell a ****** joke


a meaningful /meaningless action

13. 无家可归的/粗心的/无用的/无望的人

homeless/ careless/ useless/ hopeless people

14.第一部带声音的动画片 the first cartoon with sound


a symbol of chinese culture/ in american culture

16.因为/作为。…而著名 be famous for/as…

17.出现/消失在陆军部队中 appear/ disappear in the army

18.变得很富有和成功 become very rich and successful

19.成功的做sth succeed in doing sth.

20.主要原因之一 one of the main reasons

21.失去朋友的原因the reason for losing friends

22.总乐于竭尽全力 be always ready to try one's best

23.一个**人物 a cartoon character

24.打扮成某人模样 dress up like sb

25.替某人做 take sb's place to do

26.在军队 in the army

27.干得漂亮 do a good job


the black mouse with two large round ears

29.80多年前 over/more than 80 years ago

30.发行、出版/开花/出来 come out

31.一个不幸的普通人 an unlucky common man

32.面对危险时全力以赴 try to face any danger

33.在他早期的影片中 in his early films


come from an old chinese story

35.表达对某人的爱 show one's love for sb

36在21世纪30年代 in the 2030s

37.一部令人兴奋的动作片 an exciting action movie

句子:1.你认为谈话节目怎么样? what do you think of talk shows?

2.我不介意/不能忍受它们。 i don't mind/can't stand them.

3我希望了解世界各地发生的事。l hope to find out what's going on around the world.

4.我们讨论电视节目了。we had a discussion about tv shows.

5.我喜欢跟随故事情节了解接下来要发生的事。i like to follow the story and see what happens next.

6.你可以期待从它们中学到学到知识。you can expect to learn a lot from them.

7.你为什么喜欢看新闻? why do you like watching the news?

8今晚你打算着什么电视节目? what tv shows do you plan to watch tonight?

英语八上 unit 5重点短语和句子(2)

9.今晚你打算看体育节目吗? do you plan to watch a sports show tonight?

10.美国文化的一个非常著名的标志是**片。one very famous symbol in american culture is a cartoon.

11.80多年前,他首次在**片**现。over 80 years ago,he first appeared in the cartoon.


when this cartoon came out in new york on november18,1928,it was the first cartoon with sound and music.


英语八上 unit 5重点短语和句子 1 短语 1.看肥皂剧 情景喜剧。2.2.查明,弄清。3.进行关于新闻节目的讨论 4.介意做sth.下定决心做某事。5.不能忍受 某人 做sth 6.一本有教育意义的喜剧片。7.计划做某事 8.想要 希望 期待成为一名记者 9.sb碰巧做sth 10.期待从 当...

八年级上UNIT5 10重点句子

教学内容。unit 5 1.what do you think of talk shows?你认为谈话节目怎么样?i don t mind them.我不介意它们。2.sally thinks game shows are more educational than sitcoms.萨利认为游戏类节...


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