
发布 2022-12-28 09:35:28 阅读 1531


the matter?

what’s wrong =what’s the trouble

what’s the problem? 怎么了?

a fever 发烧

a cough 咳嗽

a sore back /arm/leg/throat


a headache/toothache/stomachache


hot tea with honey 喝热蜂蜜水。

oneself 伤到某人自己。

medicine 吃药

one’s temperature 量体温

like 听起来像

11. on the weekend 在周末

a rest=take breaks =take a break 休息

the same way 用相同的方式

14. lie down 躺下

to a doctor 看医。

along 沿着

17. shout to sb. 大声叫喊

the side of the road 在路的一边

thinking twice 不假思索

off 下车

a heart problem 有心脏病。

to the hospital 去医院

sb. to some place 带某人去某地

for 等待

25. to one’s surprise 令某人吃惊的是

to do sth. 同意做某事。

onto 把…移动到

to 由于

time 及时

away 马上

into trouble 陷入麻烦

an x ray 照x光

a try 试一试

a party 举行聚会

down 摔倒

trouble doing sth

=h**e difficulty doing sth

h**e problems doing sth 做某事有困难

sick 感到不舒服

oneself 玩得高兴

to oneself 自言自语。

sb by oneself 把某人单独留下。

oneself in 沉醉于。

care of =look after 照顾

hit on the head 打到头。

on 穿上。

sunburned 晒伤。

interested in 对……感兴趣。

of 因为。

off 切除

in a difficult situation 处于困难的状况之中

importance of ……的重要性

out of 离开

good decisions 做决定。

in control of 控制

same as 和……相同

up 放弃

sb do sth 看见某人做过某事

sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事。


名词放在enough 后面,形容词或副词放在enough 前面

enough money old enough

used to doing sth 习惯于做某事

used to do sth 曾经做过某事。

……that 如此。以至于

so that 以便,为了。

eg:i was so tired that i fell asleep quickly.


eg:i work hard so that i can get a good grade 我努力学习是为了我可以取得一个好成绩。


out of 人做主语。

i ran out of my money. 我用完了我的钱。

=my money ran out. 我的钱用完了。

unit 2

the chores 干家务。

the dishes 洗餐具。

out the rubbish 倒垃圾

the clothes 折衣服。

the floor 扫地板。

the bed 整理床铺。

the living room 打扫客厅。

the plant 浇水。

the car 洗车。

on 从事于···在···上工作。

out 解决。

out with 帮助做。

least 至少。

money 足够的钱。

enough 足够老。

doing sth 结束做某事。

from 来自。

down 扔下。

to 扔给。

over 过来。

21 take the dog for a walk 遛狗。

the time 一直。

day 整天。


surprise 吃惊的。

26. share the housework 分担家务。


soon as 一···就···

out 闲逛。

sb sth 递给某人某物。

to 借给。


sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事。

sb to some place 邀请某人去某地。

through 阅览。

on 用在。

37 a waste of time 浪费时间。

sth to sb 递给某人某物

order to 为了。

good grades 取得好成绩。

(in)doing sth 用做某事。

sth for sb向某人提供。

sb with sth 提供给某人。

doing sth 介意做某事。

on 依靠。

no idea不知道。

know 不知道

49 fall ill 生病。

sb not to do sth 告诉某人不要做某事。

takes sb some time to do sth 做某事花费某人多长时间。

out late 待在外面很晚。

a ride 搭车。

重点句子。1.委婉请求:could you please do···情态动词加动词原形)

eg:could you please clean your room?

答语:sorry ,i can’t. /all right . no problem.

with pleasure. /certainly. /yes,sure.


you like to do sth ?

you mind doing sth?

us do sth .

do sth


need i finish doing my housework?

yes,you must. /no,you needn’t.

must i finish doing my housework?

yes,you must. /no,you needn’t.


eg:i am just as tired as you (are).

4.否定句,也不 neither/nor+助/情态动词+主语

1).she did not do any housework and neither do i

2).my brother can not play the piano and neither do i.

肯定句,也 so+助+主。

my mother likes bananas and so do i.

5.两者都不 neither

color do you like , white or black?

neither , i like red.

of us goes to school.

neither ··nor···既不···也不。

eg:the weather in kunming is neither hot nor cold.


can you tell me where deng yunxiang comes from ?

is no need for sb to do sth.


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