
发布 2022-12-28 06:24:28 阅读 3803


unit 5

how are you doing? =how are you? 你怎么样?

guess what? 你猜怎么着?

invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事。

a ticket to the sound of music 一张**之声的电影票。

one of(+形容词最高级)+复数名词 “(最…的)…之一”,

某人 spend 时间/金钱 on 某物 i spent 10 dollars on this book.

某人 pay 金钱 for 某物i paid 10 dollars for this book.

某物 cost 某人金钱常用句型: it cost/costs sb. some money to do sth.

某事 takes 某人时间常用句型:it takes/took sb. some time to do sth.



prepare sth. for sb. 为某人准备某物。

say thanks to sb. 对某人表示感谢;向某人道谢。

on one’s way here/there/home

on one’s way to +地点名词。

be able to 能够。

what a pity! 真遗憾!


回顾学过的感官动词:feel, sound, smell, taste, look, seem

4个表示变化的系动词:become, go, get, turn

what’s the matter with sb.? 某人怎么了?

which movie do you like best? =what’s your f**orite movie?

注意类似exciting-excited, interesting-interested, surprising-surprised 的区别:

ing翻译为“令人…的”, 而-ed翻译为“感到…的”, 所以-ing修饰的是物, 而-ed修饰的是人。

care for sb./ look after sb./ take care of sb. 照顾某人。

because of +短语 because+句子。

teach sb.(to do)sth. 教某人(做)某事。

perform plays 表演话剧。

cheer sb. up 使某人振作。

start at 在…开始。

at first 首先,起初。

begin with 以…开始。

come into being 形成,产生。

has a history of … years 有…年的历史。

be full of 充满…

agree with sb. 同意某人。

make peace with sb. 与某人和平相处。

used to +动词原形过去常常做某事。

be popular with sb. 受到某人的欢迎。

be interested in sth. 对某物感兴趣。

at the end of 在…的结尾。

in the end= at last 最后。

anything wrong? 出什么事了?

i’m sorry to hear that. 听到那个我很抱歉。

seem to be she seems to be a student. 她似乎是个学生。

do badly in 在某事中做得差。

do well in 在某事中做得好 (=be good at)

be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格。

talk with/to sb. about sth. 和某人谈论某事。

be worried about 担心。

fail the exam 考试失败。

why don’t you +动词原形= why not +动词原形 “为什么不…呢?”(表示提建议)

at your age 在你的年纪。

make friends with sb. 与某人交朋友。

by the way 顺便问一下,顺便说一声。

i find it difficult to learn english well. (it 做形式宾语,真正的宾语是不定式)

how time flies! 时光飞逝!

what’s more 并且,而且。

as… as 像…一样(同级之间的比较,两个as之间夹形容词或副词的原形)

not as/so …as 不如… (可转化成含有比较级的句子)

lucy is as beautiful as lily. lucy isn’t as beautiful as lily.

tom runs as fast as billtom doesn’t run so fast as bill.

either… or… 或者…或者 (遵循就近原则), either是否定句中的“也”

i don’t like him, either. 我也不喜欢他。


either… or…; neither…nor…, not only… but also…, there be

with the help of sb. 在某人的帮助下。

get/be used to (+v-ing) sth 习惯于(做)某事。

be afraid to do sth.= be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事。

best wishes to sb. 给某人最好的祝愿。

deal with sth. 处理,解决某事。

refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事。

instead of 而不是。

instead 取而代之的是。

be angry with sb. 生某人的气。

even though 尽管。

it’s useless to do sth. 做某事是没用的。

not… any longer = no longer= no more = not any more 不再。

by oneself = on one’s own 由某人自己。

give a speech 做演讲。

listen to 听。

be confident about sb. 对某人有信心。

in a good/bad mood 心情好/坏。

do sth for sb. 为某人做某事。

what/how about +doing 做某事怎么样?

be proud of sb. 以某人为骄傲。

put on 穿上,戴上;上演(put on a short play)

get ready for sth 为某事做好准备。

mid-autumn festival 中秋节。

get together with sb. 与某人团聚。

fill with 充满。

be crowded with sb./sth. 挤满某人/某物。

h**e trouble (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难。

some day 某天

calm down 冷静,镇静。

such as 例如。

it is +形容词(+ for sb. )to do sth. 对于某人来说,做某事是…的。

remember to do sth. 记得要去做某事。

remember doing sth. 记得做过某事。

take part in 参加。

in trouble 处于困境中,陷于麻烦中。

call sb. at +**号码拨打某人的**….

unit 6

go on a trip 去旅行。

three-day visit 三天的旅行。

it takes/took/ will take sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人多长时间。

it 是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式)

make a decision 做一个决定 make the decision 做决定。

too…to… 太…而不能…

find out 找出,查清楚,弄明白。

the cost for(doing)sth. (做)某事的花费。

over the phone 通过**。

decide on sth. 决定某事。

the best way to do sth. 做某事最好的方式。

plan to do sth. 计划做某事。

start out 出发。

by train/bus/plane… 乘坐…

would like to do 想要做某事。

tickets to mount tai 到泰山的票。

at +** i bought this dress at $50.

book a train ticket 预订一张火车票。

raise money 筹钱。

think of 认为,想出。

serve sth. to sb. 用某物招待某人 (=serve sb. with sth.)

spring/summer/fall/winter is the best time to do sth. 春/夏/秋/冬是做某事的好时候。

places of interest 名胜古迹。

help sb.(to)do sth. 帮助某人做某事。

advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事。

i’m looking forward to hearing from you. 期待着你的来信。(写信时最好用上这个句子)

look forward to doing 期待着做某事。


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