2019八年级英语下册短语总结 Unit

发布 2022-12-28 09:24:28 阅读 3915

2018鍏勾绾ц嫳璇笅鍐岀煭璇荤粨锛歎nit 5

unit 5 if you go to the party, you鈥檒l h**e a great time.

1锛?take the bus涔樻苯杞?

2锛?stay at home鍛嗗湪瀹堕噷。

3锛?be sorry闅捐繃,閬楁喚。

4锛?let鈥 n璁┾﹁繘鏉?

5锛?study for the test涓鸿冭瘯鑰屽涔?

6锛?half the class涓鍗婄殑瀛︾敓锛堝叏鐝殑涓鍗婏級。

7锛?h**e a party涓捐鏅氫細。

8锛?at the party鍦ㄦ櫄浼氫笂。

9锛?want sb锛?to do sth鎯宠鈥﹀仛鈥?

10锛?take away鎷胯蛋锛屾病鏀?

11锛?during the party 鍦ㄦ櫄浼氭湡闂?

12锛?school clean-up瀛︽牎澶ф壂闄?

13锛?old people鈥檚 home visit鎺㈣ 鏁侀櫌。

14锛?go to college涓婂ぇ瀛?

15锛?tr**el around the world鍛ㄦ父鍏ㄤ笘鐣?

16锛?make a lot of money鎸e緢澶氶挶。

17锛?get an education鎺ュ彈鏁欒偛。

18锛?be(become) famous 鎴愬悕。

be famous for 浠モ﹁岃憲鍚?

be famous as 浣滀负鈥﹁憲鍚?

19锛?join a sports team鍔犲叆杩愬姩闃?

join the army鍙傚啗。

join the party鍏ュ厷。

join a club鍔犲叆淇变箰閮?

20锛?work really hard鐪熸鍔姏瀛︿範。

21锛?become a professional athlete


22锛?do something you love鍋氫綘鍠滄鍋氱殑浜?

23锛?will be able to do sth灏嗚兘澶?

24锛?all over the world鍏ㄤ笘鐣?

25锛?give money to charities鎹愯祫缁欐厛鍠勬満鏋?

26锛?make a living璋嬬敓。

27锛?play sports for a living鎶婁綋鑲蹭綔涓鸿皨鐢熸柟寮?

28锛?get injured鍙椾激。

29锛?in fact浜嬪疄涓?

30锛?follow you everywhere鍒板璺熺潃浣?

31锛?laugh at 璁ョ瑧锛屽槻绗?

32锛?watch out灏忓績銆傚綋蹇?

33锛?in the library 鍦ㄥ浘涔﹂ 锛堝锛?

34锛?h**e vacation on the moon鍒版湀鐞冨害鍋?

35锛?on the earth鍦ㄥ湴鐞冧笂。

36锛?get fat闀胯儢锛屽彉鑳?

37锛?watch a video瑙傜湅褰曞儚。

38锛?on(the) weekends鍦ㄥ懆鏈?

39锛?right now/right away/at once椹笂锛岀珛鍒?

40锛?what else鍒殑浠涔?

41锛?money isn鈥檛 everything閲戦挶涓嶆槸涓囪兘。

42锛?all the time涓鐩达紝鎬绘槸。

43锛?smell smoke闂诲埌鐑熷懗。

44锛?h**e/get a chance鏈夋満浼?寰楀埌涓涓満浼?

45锛?fast food蹇

46锛?in order to 涓轰簡。

47锛?hope project甯屾湜宸ョ▼

48锛?make some food for us缁欐垜浠仛浜涢鐗?

49锛?take a long vacation搴﹂暱鍋?

50锛?by the way椤轰究璇翠竴涓?

51. h**e a great time鐜╁緱寰堥珮鍏?

52. go to the party鍙傚姞鏅氫細。

2019八年级英语下册短语归纳总结 Unit

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