人教版八年级第八单元测试 附答案

发布 2022-12-27 12:38:28 阅读 8082


姓名分数。一.词汇 (每空1分,共15分)

a. 写出下列单词的适当形式。

过去式过去式 not(缩写过去式过去式过去式。





14.顺便说一下 to the zoo


)1.—did you go to the zoo two days ago

a. yes,i did b. no,i didn’t c. yes,i didn’t d. no,i played

)2he went to the library .

a. where did he go? b.

where did he live? c. how was he?

d. did he go to the library?

)3. china the wto in 2001.

a. joinb. joinsc. joined d. joining

) story is very and i am in it.

a. interested; interestedb. interesting; interested

c. interested; interestingd. interesting; interesting

) for me the snow globe of the monster.

a. sendb. sendingc. sentd. to send

)6.—how was your school trip, jane? —it was .i enjoyed myself.

a. sadb. greatc. unhappy d. boring

)7. dolphins are very to people.

a. friendlyb. friendc. friends d. friendy

) they an english party last month?

a. hadb. hasc. h**ingd. h**e

)9. —can i help you,sir? —i the watch here yesterday,but it work now.

a. buy;doesn’t b. bought;didn’t c. buy;didn’t d. bought;doesn’t

) you for me look after my baby.

a. helpsb. helpingc. helpedd. is helping

)11. —how do you usually go to work

a. yes,i walk somethingb. no,i don’t.

usually go to work on footd. i usually go to work at eight.

)12. what you from five to ten yesterday evening?

a. did;did b. did;doc. do;didd. do;do

) the supper and cleaner the house.

a. cooksb. is cookingc. cookedd. cook

) had a great time the school trip.

a. onb. atc. ind. of

) is the house he lived ten years ago.

a, whereb. whoc. whend. what


1. hebe) at work yesterday morning.

2. where did youspend) your holiday?

3. silviado)some shopping with her mother every saturday.

4. my aunt often does somecook) at home?

5. i didn’t watch tv last night,isee) a movie with my friend?

6. he (fall) asleep when his father came back.

7. she (start) ice skating when she was four.

8. we heard the sound of the boyplay) outside.

9. i startedlearn) english at the age of ten.

10. he is alove) grandfather.


1. she was born in 1998.(对划线部分提问)

she born?

went to see the film last night.(否定句)

heto see the film last night.

3. she went to h**e english lessons twice a week.(对划线部分提问)

did sheto h**e english lessons?

went to the aquarium.(改为一般疑问句)

to the aquarium?


1. 李云迪,是一个著名的中国钢琴家。

li yundi is a

2. 你太年轻而不能上学。

you areyounggo to school .

3. 约翰在演讲赛中获得了第一块奖杯。

johnthe first prize in the

4. 让我们去打篮球,那听起来无聊。

let’s go to play basketball. that


everyone 1 gifts. some little kids think they 2 get enough gifts. some old people think they get 3 gifts.

different people like 4 kinds 5 gifts.


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