
发布 2022-12-25 19:15:28 阅读 1017

unit1 where did you go on vacation?

period 1

teaching and learning goals

learn the new words of unit1 in one class. memorize the words by reading and using them. learn the use of them and try to spell the words in this unit.

teaching and learning steps

step 1 learn to read the words on p 121

1. students try to read the words using the phonetics by themselves.

2. then read to their partners.

3. get some individual students to read and correct their pronunciations. follow the teacher because the teacher can pronounce the word clearly and correctly.

4. read after the tape.

5. read aloud and the teacher walk around to see if they h**e any question.

6. get some individual students to read again to if everyone can read correctly.

step 2 : learn to remember words on p121

一。 remember the words by looking at pictures.



i feed some hens.

i saw a pig on farm yesterday.

the duck is beautiful.

bicycle is another way of saying bike.

it’s an umbrella.

三。 remember the words by their similar pronunciations and forms.

1).bird girl first third

2) .wet get red bed

四。 remember the words by conversion(转换) 、complex words (合成)and derivative(派生)如:

一)1. any + one---anyone

2. any + where---anywhere

3. some + thing --something

4. no + thing---nothing

5. every + one --everyone

6. some + one --someone

7. my + self---myself

8. your + self---yourself

二)1. paraglide v.--paragliding n.滑翔伞运动。

2. build v.建筑---building建筑物。

3. wonder v.--wonderful adj.精彩的。

4. trade v.--trader n.商人。

五。remember the words by their chinese.

1. 不多;很少 2.最多;大多数3.






gift, hang, souvenir, win, autograph, prize, end, monitor, yard, wet, future, again)


step 3 consolidation of words

1. get the students to read the word by looking at the chinese. then look at the english and say chinese

2. h**e a short dictation :

3. if they can’t , dictate after class in groups.

step 4: read the story and translate into chinese:

step 5 思维树。


step 6 当堂检测。

一.按要求写出下列单词。 如,过去式2. am(过去式。






三.根据括号中的汉语意思或首字母提示写单词, 。





答案一.1. hung

5. luckily 6. visitor

二.1. go to the beach photos 3. buy a souvenir 4.

eat ice cream 5. hang out with friends that hat his autograph the aquarium for a drive

三.1. souvenirs 3. autograph 4. aquarium

step1 learning the new words by themselves.

write the english for the chinese.

1.任何人 2.在任何地方。



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人教版八年级上英语unit1 unit10教学反思

周次。反思人。课堂教学反思。年级学科。8 年英语。时间。教学。要点。unit1 where did you go on vacation?讲完这节课后我有以下几点感受。1 chant show 的环节能够让学生自然进入英语学习氛围,尤其是幸运大转盘比较新颖在不失兴趣的同时复习了短语。2 新授的过渡自...


unit1 where did you go on vacation?一 重点短语。1 section a quite a few相当多keep a diary 记日记go on vacation去度假of course当然。study for为 而学习 summer camp夏令营take pho...