
发布 2022-12-18 02:53:28 阅读 4542

八上unit 5 复习导学案。


一. 听写。










5.代替父亲的位置去参军打仗___her father’s___toin the army 6.期待从脱口秀中学到很多知识expecta lottalk shows 7.

变得富裕而成功very rich and

句子:1. mickeya common man, but he always triedmickey象一个普通人,但是他总是努力面对任何危险。

2. mickey was___and had many problemshis house or girlfriend. mikey是不幸的,总是面对很多问题,如丢失房子或女朋友等。

3he was always


4. most of them wantedmickey. 他们大多数都想象mickey一样。

5.__november 18, 1978, mickey___the first cartoon charactera star on the hollywood walk of fame.

2024年11月18日,mickey 成为在星光大道上拥有一颗星星的第一个**形象。

6. ia tv reporter one day.我希望我成为一个电视台记者。

7. i like to __the story and seenext.



are trying __what is going on around the world.

a. look for b. to look for c. to find out d. find out

2. if you plan __a movie, choose mulan.

a. watch b. to watch c. watching d. watched

3. we hope __good grades.

a. get b. to get c. getting d. got

4. can you __when the train will arrive?

a. look b. look at c. find d. find out

5. hi, jean! you look unhappy

a. what did you happen b. what you happened

c. what happened to you d. did you happen what

6. i didn’t expect __anything enjoyable at all.

a. saw b. see c. seeing d. to see

7.—what do you __the movie? —it is very educational.

a. think of b. like c. like of d. think

8. we waited an hour for jack, but he didn’t

a. appear b. get c. arrived d. come out

9. his new book __last weekend.

a. came out b. came up c. came in d. came to

the party, lucy __like a mickey mouse to make us

a. dressed up, laugh b. dressed up, to laugh c.

dressed on, laugh d. dressed on, to laugh

disney made 87 cartoons __he became __

a. successful, successful b. successfully, successfully

c. successful, successfully d. successfully, successful

12. they arrived __beijingthe morning of may 10.

a. at, in b. at, on c. in, in d. in, on

13july 12,2009, he went to shanghai for the first timea plane.

a. on, on b. on, by c. in, on d. in, by

14. she learns a lotthe educational movie.

a. in b. at c. to d. from

15. great changes happened in china

a. in the 1980s b. in the 1980 c. in 1980s d. on the 1980


think xi yangyang is asfamous) as mickey mouse.

hopewatch) the action movie one day.

some exciting news in today’s news*****.

weekends, nancy enjoysread) comic books at home.

loves sports now, so he is muchhealthy) than before.

6. walt disney becamesuccess)after he made 87 cartoons.

7. listen! someonering) the doorbell.

8. where do you plango) this sunday?

9. sally thinks soap operas areeducation) than sitcoms.

10 the changjiang river is thelong) river in china.


1. she is proud that both her children h**e afor music.

2. on the trip, thebook brings me much joy.

3. our hometown isfor delicious food and beautiful sceneries.

4. mickey mouse is one very famous symbol in american

5. allen wants toa teacher when he grows up.

6. we hope our country will beand strong one day.

7. he washe didn’t pass the exam.


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