
发布 2022-12-17 11:16:28 阅读 7670

topic2 笔记。


共同点1、两者都可表示“有病的”:作表语时可用 ill(英) 或 sick (美)。如:

i was ill (sick) yesterday and i don’t feel any better today.


2、be/feel/fall ill/sick

区别:(1)ill 表示“有病的”时,一般不用作定语,但当它表示“坏的(=bad)”“有害的(= harmful)”等义时,却只能作定语,不能作表语。如:

the blacks had ill luck. 布莱克一家遭了厄运。

it's an ill wind that blows nobody any good. 天下无绝对的坏事。

2) 作定语时通常用 sick。不用ill如:。

the sick child was hurried to the hospital. 生病的小孩被赶紧送往医院。

mind一、mind用作名词时,意为“思想”、“想法”、“头脑”、“智力”.常见的含名词mind的短语有:change one’s mind(改变主意),make up one’s mind(下定决心),set one’s mind to (do) (专注于……)keep in mind(记在心里),come into one’s mind(计上心来)等。


1) “would/do you mind doing ..意为“……你介意吗?”.例如:

would you mind closing the door?关上门好吗?

2) “would/do you mind + 人称代词宾格或形容词性物主代词 + doing ..意为“某人做某事,你介意吗?”.例如:

do you mind my closing the window?(=do you mind if i close the window?) 我把窗户关上,你介意吗?

构成“would you mind doing ..的否定式时,通常在doing的前面加not. 例如:

would you mind not swimming in the river?

would you mind not being late again?

“would you mind ..后面接从句时,从句中的谓语动词常为过去式,用来表示委婉的语气。例如:

would you mind if i closed the window?你介意我把窗户关上吗?

would you mind if i turned up the radio?我把收音机声音开大点,你反对吗?

“would you mind ..的同义句式是“do you mind ..二者表达相同的意思,只是“would you mind ..

比“do you mind ..语气显得更客气一些。两者后接从句时,前者从句中的谓语动词常为过去式,而后者从句中的谓语动词则用一般现在时。


would you mind if i sat here?(=do you mind if i sit here?) 我坐在这儿你介意吗?

do you mind if i smoke here?(=would you mind if i smoked here?) 我在这里吸烟你介意吗?


1) 表示不反对或不介意时常用以下句式:no,please do. (好吧,请。

)/certainly not. (当然可以。)/of course not.

(当然可以。)/no,go ahead. (完全可以。


—would you mind me smoking here?我在这儿抽烟你介意吗?

—no,please do. 好的,请便。

—would you mind if i turned on the tv?我打开电视你介意吗?

—certainly not. 当然可以。

—would you mind my standing here?你介意我站在这里吗?

—not at all. 没关系。

—of course not.

2) 如果不同意或不赞成某人做某事,就不要说“yes,i mind”,应说“sorry/i’m sorry”或“i wish you wouldn’t”,”please not” ,better not’然后再陈述拒绝或反对的理由。例如:

—would you mind my turning off the light?我把灯关掉,你介意吗?

—i’m sorry. i h**en’t finished my work. (i wish you wouldn’t.

i h**en’t finished my work.) 对不起,我还没有完成我的工作。

“i don’t mind.” 意为“我不介意”.例如:

—what do you think of sitcoms?你觉得情景喜剧怎么样?

—i don’t mind them. 我不关心那些节目。

never mind意为“没关系”、“不要紧”,常出现在下列场合:

1) 应答对方的致歉。例如:

—i’m sorry. i came in a hurry and forgot to bring food. 对不起,我来得匆忙,忘记带吃的了。

—never mind. you can h**e ours. 没关系,你可以吃我们的。

2) 安慰对方。例如:

—did you watch the baseball match yesterday?昨天你看棒球比赛了吗?

—no,i missed it. by the time i got there,it had already finished. 没有,我错过了。


—never mind. it was a boring match. 没关系。那是一场枯燥乏味的比赛。

3) 回答对方的求助。例如:

—sorry to trouble you. 抱歉,麻烦您一下。

—never mind. what can i do for you?没关系。我能为你做些什么呢?

go, get, become, grow, turn的区别这些词均可用作连系动词,都有“变,变得”之意,但用法有一定不同。(1)go通常表示由好变坏或由正常情况变成特殊情况。go bad/blind/mad/wrong变坏/变瞎/疯了/出毛病。

(2)become和get表示的变化可以是由好到坏,也可以是由坏到好,强调变化过程的完成。become 是个中性词,用于意义好坏两方面的变化都可以。多指身份、职位,暂时性的身心变化或永久性的自然变化,它强调变化的过程已完成,后加名词或形容词。

(1)become angry/famous/fat/ill/old/well/deaf/strong;例:1、he becomes a teacher .他成了一名老师。


2、her mother became angry when she heard the news .

2)get 多用于口语,表示一种变化过程,强调的是“渐渐变得”,后接形容词的比较级。例;get richer and richer变得越来越富。

3)grow有“逐渐变化”的含义,强调变化的过程。grow tall长高;grow louder(声音)大起来。


turn yellow变黄;turn gray变灰白。

for example和such as这两个短语都可以表米“例如”,但含义及用法不同。

l)for example强调“举例”说明,而且一般只举同类人或物中的一个作为插入语,且用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中或句末。如:

many people here, for example, john, would rather h**e coffee.这里有许多人,例如约翰很喜欢喝咖啡。

he,for example,is a good student.


2)such as用来“罗列”同类人或物中的几个例子,可置于被列举的事物与前面的名词之间,但其后边不能用逗号。如:

i h**e many f**ourite sports such as swimming, skating, running and so on.(介词短语 such as 常与所举的例子相连。)

hold: held(过去式)

抓住;拿着;握住:he held a gun in his hand.他手里拿着枪。

举办;筹办:they are holding a party for his fortieth birthday.

保持,持续 : i hope this weather holds till the weekend. 我希望这样的天气一直维持到周末就好了。

包容;容纳; the car holds five people.这辆车坐得下五个人。

hold on 等候(也可用于打**): hold on, i’ll be with you in a mimute .


as作介词,意思时“作为”,“以……身份”。例如:he came to china as a tourist five years ago.


as in australia“和在澳大利亚一样”。


as +adj(原级)+as

as +adv(原级)+as

as soon as 一……就

as soon as possible 尽可能快地

as early as possible 尽可能早的

as carefully as you can 尽可能认真地

as careful as you can 尽可能认真的


2。as是连词,表示“因为,由于”的意义。wanting是现在分词,表示主动意义,wanting to buy cars=who want to buy cars。



一)、 as作连词的用法:

1.作“在---期间,当---的时候”引导时间状语从句。注意与when、 while的用法区别。

下列情形时,只用as, 而不用when或while。

1)用于表示同一个人的两种动作交替进行,指一边---一边。 如:

the girl sings as she goes to school.

he looked behind occasionally as he went forward in the forest.


as time went on / by, she became more and more beautiful .

as children get older, they become more and more interested in everything.

3)表示两个短暂行为或事情几乎同时发生。如:i watched her as she read the book.

i thought of it just as you opened your mouth.

just as the flying worm hit her face, she g**e a loud cry.


as a young man, he was active in sports.

when作"当……的时候"解,可以指较短的(一点)时间,也可指一段时间。如:when i was at college, i could speak several foreign languages.

when the clock struck twelve, i had slept for 2hours.

while常表示一段较长的时间或一个过程,强调主句谓语动词与从句谓语动词同时发生。如:work while you work. play while you play.

2. as =since 作"既然"、"由于"解,引导原因状语从句,常用来表示已为人们所知或显而易见的原因或理由。如:

as he’s been ill for ages, i will help him.

as / since you're not feeling well, you may stay at home.


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