
发布 2022-12-16 11:54:28 阅读 4664

unit10 if you go to the party, you’ll h**e a great time!

1. 呆在家/ 学校home / school

2. take 的用法:1)把….带去eg:把书带去教室___the book __the classroom

2) 乘火车/公共汽车/地铁___a

3)花时间做某事it takes sb. some timesth.=sb. _some timesth.

我们每天花一小时做家庭作业。it __us an hourour homework. =we __an hourour homework.

)( 好好) 照顾after(__

5) 拍照 take

3. 1)过得愉快,玩的开心 h**e a good / great time

我们在学校玩的很开心。 we h**e a great time at school. =weat school. =weat school.

2) 做某事非常愉快/困难 h**e a great /hard time __sth.

4.开晚会/班会 __a party /class meeting / a class party

5. 如果我们今天举行,那么全班一半的同学不会来参加。__we h**e it todayclass __come.

half“一半“ 做形容修饰the class,half 还可以做名词,”half of +n.”,用作主语时, 谓语动词有名词定。

a)有一半的孩子来自山区。 half the childrenmountain areas. =half __the childrenmountain areas.

b)有一半的家庭作业很容易。 _the homework __easy.

c)这个班有一半的学生都是男生。 half the students in the class __boys.

6. 为了下周的晚会, 我们可以叫人们带食物来吗?__the party next week , should we __people __bring food?

要求某人做某事ask sbsth. 要求某人不做某事 ask sbsth.

7. 不, 我们还是在餐馆订餐吧。no, let’s __food __a restaurant.

1)order 做动词“ 命令;吩咐; 订购;点菜“

你可以**订票。you can __tickets by telephone.

他要了一杯咖啡。he __acoffee.

2) 做名词“ 命令; 订货….”

他已经预订了一百本这种书。 he has placed an order for 1000 copies of the books.

3) in order to = so as to “ 为了“

为了取得好成绩他努力学习。he works hardget good grades.

in order that = so that “ 为了, 以便“

他起的很早以便赶上早班车。he got up earlyhe could catch the early bus .=he got up early __the early busthe early bus,he got up early。

8 too… to… /so … that / enough ….to 太。。。而不。。。

1) 这个孩子太小而不能上学。the boy is __young __go to school.= the boy is __young __he can’ t go to school.

= the boy isn’tto go to school.

2) 对他而言,箱子太重了, 搬不动。 the box is too he**y for him to move. =the box isn’t __enough for him __move.

= 他和剥削is搜he**y___he can’t move___


意为“ 如果, 假如” 时,引导条件状语从句。,该句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时,( 主将从现)

1) 如果你去参加晚会,你会很开心。 if you __to the party , you __h**e a great time.

2) 如果他们今天举行晚会,一半的学生都不会参加。 if they __the party today, half the class __come.

b.如果主句含有must, may, can 等情态动词,从句用一般现在时。

例如:红灯时你必须停下来。you must stop if the traffic __red.

c. if引导的条件状语从句。若表示“不真实的虚拟语气” 时, 主句要用过去将来时。

如果我是一只小鸟, 我会在天空中飞翔。

if i was a bird , i would fil in the sky.

d.祈使句+ and(or)+ 陈述句和if 条件状语从句的转换。

早点起床, 否则你会迟到。 get up early, _you’ll be late.= you

__ get up early , you’ll be late.

努力学习你就会通过考试。 study hard and you __pass the exam.=_you study hard, you __pass the exam.

e. if 还可以意为“ 是否, 是不是” ,这时引导的是宾语从句, 该句要用一般将来时或过去将来时。

1)我不知道明天是否会下雨。 i don’t know if it __rain tomorrow.

2) 我不知道明天他是否会来。如果他来了, 我会告诉你的。i don’ t know if he __come. if he __i will tell you.

10. 我不知道明天晚上去万克的生日聚会我要做什么。 i don’t know what __about going to mike’s birthday party tomorrow night.

你能告诉我如何制作香蕉奶昔吗? can you tell me howa banana milk shake?

11.请问你能给我一些建议吗? can you give meplease?

征求某人建议 ask sb. _some __

给某人提建议give sbgive somesb.

接受某人的建议 follow one’s advice = one’s advice

12. 以。。。著名 be famous __

china is famous __the great wall.

作为。。 而著名 be famous __

姚明作为一个篮球运动员而著名。 yaomin isa basketball player.


___we talk to someone, we’ll certainly feel worse.= we don’t talk to someone, we’ll certainly feel worse.

1) 当然,可以;没问题=sure, course

---may i use your pen

2) 必定,确实

他一定会成功。 he will certainly succeed.

15. be worried about =worry about

16. careless 反义词 careful

be careful to do sth. =take care to do sth. =do sth. carefully 小心做某事。

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