八年级英语 北师版 上期章节练习题

发布 2022-12-14 23:27:28 阅读 4193

unit 1 free time

lot of(lots of)许多(可以和可数名词和不可数名词连用,一般用于肯定句中,在否定句和疑问句中常用many或much)

to the movies(theater)去看电影(看戏)

member of成员之一,一分子。

a good time过得很愉快,玩得很痛快。


do you think of…?你对……有何想法?你认为……如何。

a course(class)学一门课程。


ready for为……做好准备,准备做……



a farm在农场。

one’s own靠自己;独自。


at (in)到达。

unit 1 free time



1. does she like (make) noodles?

2. my father (work) in a store.

3. he (meet ) his friends now.

4. i don’t like (work) in a bank.

5. did you (come) here by bus?

(go) to paris with his family last summer.

7. lucy (not take) a computer course last month.

8. how (be) your vacation?

9. i (h**e) a terrible time.

10. what are you doing now? i (play) the guitar.


a: how your vacation, tim?

b: it was . i stayed at my uncle’s farm.

i milk the cows and everything. i had a time. and you?

a: i went on vacation my family. we drove across the country. i had a good time.

试题答案】一) 3. is meeting 4. working 5. come

7. didn’t take 8. was 9. had 10. am playing

二)great/ fantastic 3. helped 4. good 5. with


一。 用所给动词的适当形式填空。

1. bob to paris with his family last summer.

2. lucy a computer course last month.

3. —what does he do every sunday?

—every sunday he his mother clean the room.

4. —how your vacation? —i a terrible time.

5. —when did sarah back? —last night.

6. —what are you doing now? –i the guitar.

二。 根据提示,完成中译英练习。

1. 我弟弟每星期玩一次电脑游戏。

my brother .

2. 你每天都上网吗?

you every day?

3. 前天加里看了一场足球赛。

gary .

4. 昨天你们看电影了吗?

you yesterday?

5. 上周日我探望了我爷爷。

imy grandpa

6. 上周你干了什么?

you ?

试题答案】一。 1. went 2. took 3. helps 4. was, had 5. come 6. am playing

二。 1. plays computer games once a week.

2. do, surf the internet

3. watched a football game the day before yesterday

4. did, go to the movies

5. visited, last sunday

6. what did, do last week

unit 2 ****** plans

1. prepare for预备……,为……做准备。

2. how about…(后接词活动词ing形式等)怎么样?

up 1)起床 2)站起来,起立


married结婚(后接to, 不接with)

to college上大学。

of all首先,第一。


the same time同时;但与此同时,然而。




for help求援,请求帮助。

front of在……的前面。

注意:in front of表示“有距离的前面”,in the front of表示“在……的前部”。


in english用英语交谈,讲英语。

unit 2 ****** plans


一。 用所给单词的正确形式填空。

1. i’m going to (live) in the united states.

2. he (buy) a red sports car last year.

3. he wants to (help) the old people.

4. he is going to (play) football once a week.

5. they ( h**e) a terrible time in london last winter vacation.

6. it’s eight o’clock now. the students are (h**e) a physics class now.

二。 汉译英。

1. 你长大后想做什么?

what are you going to be when you ?

2. 大体来讲北京的气候非常干燥。,the climate in beijing is very dry.

3. 警察想查明是谁的钱。

the police wanted to who stole the money.

4. 这里至少有五本关于英语语法的书。

there are five books here about english grammar.

5. 他攒了好几年钱,买了一辆汽车。

he for years and bought a car.

三。 完形填空。

a man is riding an old bike to the country. he stops by a 1 and takes out his fishing rod. he puts the line 2 and then sits on the bank of the river.

soon the line is 3 . it must be a big fish,” he thinks.

unluckily he 4 up a box. the man is very 5 . but then he thinks, “oh, there must be gold in the 6 .

now i can buy a car and a big house. no, i am going to buy two big houses. and i am going to h**e good 7 to eat every day.”


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