
发布 2022-12-14 13:29:28 阅读 1056

unit5 topic1

1看起来很兴奋 look excited

2 邀请某人做某事 invite sb to do sth3去看电影 go to the movies

4 我最喜欢的电影之一

one of my f**orite movies5过夜 spend the evening


7向某人道谢 say thanks to sb

8在某人去…途中 on one’s way (to)。。

9感到失望feel disappointed

10一张…票 a ticket to/for。。。

11.闻起来很香 smell nice

12.尝起来很可口 taste delicious

13. 似乎有一点不开心seem a little unhappy

14.滑稽又有趣funny and interesting

15.有,患病h**e got

16.立刻,马上at once/right now/right away


feel sorry for。。。

18.听起来很优美sound beautiful

19.美国电影american movies

20.一个关于…的故事a story about

21.照顾care for

22.变得生气become angry

23.因为because of

24.教某人做…teach sb to do sth

25.使振作起来,使高兴起来cheer up

26.为某人加油cheer on


perform short,funny plays

28.首先at first

29.笑脸smiling face

30.形成,产生come into being

31.充满,挤满be full of

32.脸谱facial painting

33.同意某人的观点agree with sb

34.一个。的方法a way to

35.和某人和解make peace with

36.最后in the end 在。末尾at the end of

37.受。欢迎be popular with

38.变得对。感兴趣become interested in

unit5 topic2

1.好像做某事seem to do sth2. 在。方面做得差do badly in

3. 和某人谈一谈h**e a talk with sb4. 感到孤独feel lonely

5.为。而感谢thank you for (doing) sth 6. 对。要求严格be strict with/in

7. 文静而害羞 quiet and shy


h**e no friends to talk with

9.对。感到担心be worried about10.别紧张take it easy

11.变得生气 get angry12.迷路 be lost

13.倒塌,跌倒fall down14.似乎很担心seem worried

15.尽力做某事try to do sth

16.考试不及格fail (in) the exam17.在某人的这个年龄时at one’s age

18.和某人交朋友 make friends with sb 19.给某人讲笑话tell sb jokes

20.使某人发笑 make sb laugh21.顺便问一下by the way


after talking with miss wang

23.很高兴做某事 be glad to do sth


find it difficult to learn english well

25.对某人很友好 be friendly/kind to sb

26.希望做某事 wish to do sth27.几个月以前a few months ago

28.而且 what’s more29.和往常一样 as usual

30.习惯于get/be used to31.和。一样as ..as...

32.不如。not as...as33.害怕做某事 be afraid to do sth

34.处理,对待deal with35.做某事是很正常的it’s normal to do sth

36.向。学习。learn ..from37.发疯 go mad

38.拒绝做某事 refuse to do sth39.尽管,即使 even though

40.不再 not ..any longer/no longer

unit5 topic3

1.进行测试h**e a test2.做演讲give a speech

3.变得紧张/恐惧get nervous/frightened 4.在。方面做得好do well in

5.感到害羞feel shy6.因为你的帮助because of your help

7.卧病在床be ill in bed8.在公共场所in public

9.看见……正在做某事see sb doing sth 10.遵照某人的建议follow sb’s advice

11.从。上摔下来 fall off

12.生病be sick

13.对。有信心be confident about

14.为。感到自豪be proud of

15.心情很糟糕in a bad mood

16.互相帮助help each other

17.给某人一个惊喜/惊讶give sb. a surprise

18.上演,放映 put on

19.正如,就像just as

20.为……做准备get ready for...

21.一直,总是 all the time

22.和某人聚在一起get together with sb.

23.充满,填满,用。把。装满fill with

24.居住在某地 live in somewhere

25.挤满了be crowded with

26.做某事有困难h**e trouble (in)doing

27.仔细思考think over

28.做决定make a decision

29.心情好/精神美好in good spirits

30.记得做某事 remember to do sth

31.从…得到帮助get help from...

32.照顾 take care of33.保持好心情 stay in a good mood

34.有好的睡眠h**e good sleep

35.回到。上,继续get back to

36.例如 such as

unit6 topic1

1.春游spring field trip


go on a visit to mount tai

3.一次三天的旅游 a three-day visit

4.查明,找出 find out

5. 通过** over the phone

6. 决定,选定 decide on


unit5 topic1 1看起来很兴奋 look excited 2 邀请某人做某事 invite sb to do sth3去看电影 go to the movies 4 我最喜欢的电影之一 one of my f orite movies5过夜 spend the evening 6为。准备。...


unit 5 topic one 1.look excited 看起来兴奋,激动。2.feel happy disappointed感到高兴 失望。3.taste delicious good 尝起来美味。4.sound wonderful sweet great 听起来精彩 甜美 好,不错。5.g...


unit 5 topic one 1.look excited 看起来兴奋,激动。2.feel happy disappointed感到高兴 失望。3.taste delicious good 尝起来美味。4.sound wonderful sweet great 听起来精彩 甜美 好,不错。5.s...